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After leaving Julianna, I spent hours with Frosty going back and forth with this Lodestar. Ultimately, I decided to trust her. I need the name of the rat and where they’re keeping it, and she’s a savvy bitch. She also has no love for human trafficking.

We know the Russians are the ones feeding the Feds their information. What I don’t know is why only me?

My eyes narrow and I inhale deeply. Misha’s finally let the power and greed go to his head. I straighten. He’s gonna be the first one I put a bullet into, and from there it will get bloodier. I tick off the scumbags who are gonna follow.

All the main Russian mob members will go. Then we’ll fill the throne; otherwise, it will be the same shit.

Misha’s nephew is the key. I’ve been watching him. He’s young, smart, and ambitious. He also despises his uncle. I need time to get to him before the FBI moves in.


Never enough when we seem to need it. Apparently, I’m on borrowed time, if my lawyers are correct. All I need is the name, and then everything will be in motion.

My phone vibrates, bringing me back to the now. I glance over at Julianna who peacefully sleeps on her back, the sheet pulled down enough to show where the sun spills in on her tits. They almost beckon me to suck on them.

“Christ.” I turn away. I fucked her not an hour ago. That’s gonna have to satisfy me till later.

“Prez.” I answer my phone and lean over to snuff out my cigarette.

“You make sure Ox sweeps twice this morning, and I want eyes on everyone today,” Blade orders, his voice tight. It’s hard to be king, even harder that we’re staying one step ahead of everybody.

“Ox is sweeping the clubhouse right now.” I look over at the monitors I have set up in the corner along with several laptops, showing me all the eyes I have around the property.

“Good, look, I need you to talk to Cindy. Eve’s worried about what’s gonna happen today. I’m dropping the kids off at my mom’s. I’ll be there in an hour or so.”

I look up at the ceiling. “Blade, Cindy is not a priority.”

“Agreed, but try to keep her calm. It’s for Charlie, apparently. She’s puking this time around.”

“Why the fuck are we having this party?” I snarl, but he’s hung up. I look out the window. At least it’s gonna be a beautiful day. I sigh. Cindy is the last of my worries, but I don’t want her upsetting Julianna or Charlie.

This party shouldn’t be happening, I can feel it already. Fuck it, I guess we need to put on a show for the Feds and PD.

I crouch down to my safe in the corner to get a new burner phone and exchange my Glock.

Julianna sighs and rolls to her side. I should quietly leave. Instead, like the addicted fuck I am, I go to her. Reaching out, I push her hair off her shoulders and watch her sleep.

I told her my name.

Christ, I told her things no one knows, not even my brothers, and she whispered she loved me. I fucked her this morning.

“Julianna.” I reach down and stroke her cheek. “I’ll be back later.”

She tries to wake up, her eyes fluttering open, her lips curving up in a sleepy smile, and my heart aches.

I clench my jaw. “I’ve got to go, baby.” It comes out harsher than I intended. “Go back to sleep. The party is not for a while.” She sighs and I force myself to move away.

“’Kay.” When she snuggles back into the pillow, I know it shouldn’t make me feel as good as it does. After all, I’m getting ready to take out the Russian mob. Yet knowing she’s here, and mine, makes me feel invincible.

I shut the door as quietly as I can and make my way to the conference room. Axel is already sitting in his spot, boots propped up on the table, clicking the lid of his Zippo lighter open and closed. He takes a deep drag off his joint.

“Nice breakfast.” I snort.

Slowly, he exhales and grins, dropping his boots to the floor.

“Have some, it’s gonna be sunshine and fucking rainbows all day long, and you know why?” After another toke, he holds the joint out for me.

I arch a brow but take it. “Enlighten me.”

“I’ve got this shit figured out.”

I inhale, hold up a finger, then exhale. “Lay it on me.”

“You don’t do anything.”

I almost choke on my next toke and let out the smoke I was holding. “The fuck are you talking about?”

“Too much heat on you. You need to trust that we’ll get it done.” He stands and takes the joint back.

“There’s no way. This is mine to fix.”

“Nah, this is ours to fix.” He looks at me and I stare at him, shaking my head, knowing it’s pointless to argue. Axel’s my brother, way more than my blood brother was. He’s also a pain in my ass with his loyalty.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic