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I find Eve staring down at me, along with Dolly.

“Are you kidding me?” Eve says and turns to Dolly, the sunlight suddenly replacing where her head was a moment ago.

“God.” I shade my eyes with my hand.

“I told you. I’m kind of getting insulted that everyone thinks I’m being dramatic because I’m pregnant.” Dolly turns and drags a chair over, sinking into it as I sit up on my elbows.

“Dolly, don’t start. I need to think.” Eve shakes her head and her honey-blond hair, which falls over her shoulders, shadows my face again.

With a sigh, I sit up. Clearly if Eve is here, this can’t be good. And here I just convinced myself not to take what Ryder says personally, that I need to trust my feelings.

“Julianna? I’m trying to stay calm, but what the hell are you doing here?” Eve sits down at the end of my lounger. Her cute summer dress shows off her long legs.

I shift over to give her room. “I wanted to get out of New York, and Gia offered me her place in Malibu.”

Eve stares at me like I’m crazy. She takes a deep breath and turns to Dolly. “What is she talking about? Malibu?”

“What’s wrong?” I look at them. I mean, I get I’m not the favorite, but can Eve be any more cryptic and standoffish?

“Okay.” She crosses her legs and rests her elbow on her knee to rub her forehead as if I’m a giant headache. My eyes go to her, then to Dolly, and my face heats up.

“Look, I’m gonna be straight with you. Charlie, she’s married to Poet.”

“Yes,” I say this because I need her to believe I’m following, when in reality, I’m pretty positive I haven’t met Poet yet. Last time I was here was for Axel’s wedding, and my focus was on Ryder. But I do know Charlie.

“She’s pregnant.” Eve looks at me like she’s waiting for me to jump up and do a cartwheel.

“That’s wonderful.” I smile and glance again at Dolly, who sits with her head back on the cushion, eyes closed, seeming to enjoy the day.

“Yes, we’re very excited,” she announces, which confuses me. She’s making it sound like the baby is hers.

“We”—she motions her head toward Dolly—“are throwing a surprise party tomorrow. It’s going to be here. We’ll be announcing Charlie and David’s news.”

“Wait, I thought you said Poet?”

“Poet is David. God, really?” Eve snips at me.

I jump, almost shocked at her. Gia can be pushy, but Eve is beyond bossy. I clear my throat. If I don’t stand up for myself now, I might as well throw in the towel.

“Look, Eve. I understand that I’m new, and I haven’t gotten everyone’s names yet, but I will, and Gia loves you…” I trail off, not understanding why I’m name-dropping Gia. Maybe it’s because Eve is staring at me like she wants me gone. No, I know she wants me gone.

“Gia’s family.” She frowns. None of this should bother me since I barely know her, but I hate confrontation, so it’s uncomfortable.

Eve, on the other hand, doesn’t care at all and stares at the pool, deep in thought.

“Eve, lighten up.” Dolly finally sits up. “You can’t control everything. I know with all that’s going on this is not ideal, but it’s not Julianna’s fault. Plus, I’m convinced Ryder’s in love with her so…” She looks down at her feet. “Do I look swollen?”

“No,” Eve says, not even looking at Dolly, then sighs and turns to her. “Sorry. I’m being a bitch. You’re right. I’m freaking out about everything.”

Dolly nods at her. “Yes, you’re being a bitch, but I love you anyway. Please focus.” Her eyes widen as she motions to me.

“Okay. Look, you’re new, and I doubt he has, but has Ryder mentioned anything about anything?” Eve’s voice seems deceptively calm.

I shake my head as dread fills me my mind. “I… he had a lot of texts because we slept late.” My cheeks are definitely flushing.

They stare at me as if I need to say more.

“Anything else?”

“Just that I’m not allowed to leave without him.” My cheeks are definitely on fire. This is getting a bit personal.

Dolly stares at me, her big brown eyes huge as she bursts out laughing. “Holy fuck. Sound familiar, Eve?” She slaps her arm causing Eve to frown at her.

“Dolly, please. This is about Charlie and the club. Please remember what’s happening.”

Dolly keeps laughing as she straightens her boobs in her pink halter dress.

“I’m still traumatized by that day. Although, it does go down as one of Edge’s and my best hate fucks.”

Eve cocks her head at her. “Really, Dolly?”

“Sorry, but come on, you have to admit it’s uncanny.”

Eve looks back at me, her eyes taking in my appearance as if she’s only now seeing me. “We’re having a party tomorrow. You should know that Cindy, Ryder’s ex, will be here. She’s Charlie’s best friend.”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic