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There’s a light knock at the door to my room. Who would dare? No one comes to my door unless it’s bad news. Julianna turns to her side but stays asleep. Frowning, I move to open my door. I need to have a prospect, or maybe even Ox, watch her today until I figure out what I’m doing. I also need to alert Amy she’s here. A large suitcase sits blocking my exit, and I spot Floppy trying to rush down the stairs.

“What the hell is this?” I growl at him.

He sighs and turns. “Sorry, Ryder. Rip told me to bring it to your room. I made a mistake and put it in his.” He starts down the stairs and the adrenaline pumps through my veins.

“How would you make this mistake?” My eyes pin him to his spot on the stairs as he nervously runs a hand through his long hair.

“She was on the back of his bike.” He shrugs, as if that explains it all.

“Julianna was on Rip’s bike?” I shut my door, and in two steps, I’m staring down at him.

“Yeah, I thought she was his… so I brought her luggage to his room.” He pales and slowly takes another step down.

His. He thought Julianna was Rip’s. I take a breath as I talk myself out of putting a bullet in Floppy’s head. “Where’s Rip?”

“Take it easy, Ryder, it was just a misun—”

“Rip. Where. Is. He?” I sneer each word.

“He’s having coffee with Amy.” He spits it out, nodding at me as I pass, visions of Julianna on the back of Rip’s bike, her long hair glistening in the sun as her hands cling to his waist, her breasts with her fucking nipples touching his back.

“Motherfucker.” I burst into the kitchen.

Amy stands at the stove scrambling eggs. Her eyes narrow on me. “Take it outside.” She shakes her head, pointing the spatula at me.

“Relax, Ryder, she’s my friend.” Rip shakes his head at me, then mumbles, “It’s not like she’s your old la—”

“You let her on your bike.” I slam my fist into his chin, sending his coffee mug flying. It hits Amy’s cabinets and smashes into pieces. All I can see is my Julianna on his bike, like a bad song on the radio that’s stuck in your head for days. I don’t even stop to let him defend himself.

“Ryder, outside, I said.” Amy’s voice cuts into my fog, and I slow for a second to witness him smiling at me, fucked-up face and all. I go to attack, but someone restrains me. Like a caged beast that wants more blood, I kick Rip in the ribs with my boot before someone drags me away.

“Fuck, Ryder. It’s Rip, man,” Ox snarls as he and Fosters push me out of the kitchen and toward the front door. I jerk my arms out of their grip and kick the screen door open, causing a couple of bunnies who were laughing and smoking on the porch to scream in surprise.

“Ryder, you okay, brother?” Ox holds up a hand but stays a respectful distance. I take a breath, ignoring him as I open and close my fists.

Fosters clears his throat as I slowly look up at him. He nods and rubs his hand on his beard, holding a phone. “Prez wants to talk.”

“Christ.” Ox shakes his head at him but takes the phone from Fosters, who’s smart enough to back away from me.

“When you’re ready.” Ox holds the phone up like he’s showing me he’s unarmed. I lift my face up to the sun, closing my eyes as I let my head calm. Am I sorry for beating the shit out of Rip? Fuck no. He knows better. Opening my eyes, I hold my hand out for the phone.

“I’m on my way,” I say in a rush.

Silence, then, “You need to get your head on straight. Now I don’t know what the fuck is happening to you, brother, but for the first time ever, I’m worried. Do I need to have Axel with me today for the Sinners?” Blade’s voice is eerily calm, which means he’s pissed, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m pissed too.

“I said I’m on my way.” My voice sounds deadly even to me.

Silence again, besides a siren passing in the background. “I’m here in the parking lot. Rex went in alone.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I straddle my bike. “I got Rex’s shit on his kid and the stepdad.”

“I’m giving Rex seventy-two hours to finish whatever shit he needs to get done.” Then the line goes dead. I toss the phone back to Ox, who watches me like a mother hen.

“Look, I need you to watch Julianna.” I start up my bike, the loud rumble making me feel better already.

“Are you talking lock her in? Or follow her around without her knowing?” Ox raises his voice over the rumble.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic