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God does love me.

He has sent me someone as powerful as a Disciple, a man who doesn’t need to answer to anyone but himself, a man who has no fear.

Yes, I’m blessed.

I let my eyes mist with tears as I stare at him and clear my throat. “There is something I’m concerned about, actually. Well, I’m terrified, to be frank.”

He’s an impossible man to read, but the skin around his eyes tightens faintly. Relief hits me. For him, that’s the equivalent of a frown. There’s a fine line to getting what you need. I’ve tried using my wealth, but that failed. Now, I will use him.

I don’t believe in chance.

I believe in God and what He tells me.

And Aidan O’Donnelly, the new head of the Five Points Mob, is my angel of darkness. My last chance.

“How can I help?” he asks quietly.

“My daughter.” I sigh and look up at the ceiling. “The reason I dye my hair is because of her.” I sigh again. “She’s like her mother. I barely survived losing her, and I don’t think I can survive another loss. I just can’t lose hope.”

My mind flashes to my beautiful Isabelle, her blond curls dancing around her chubby, rosy cheeks. Always a battle with her weight. My ignorant wife thinking it was fine to feed her anything she desired. Diet is important for children. She didn’t understand that, but she didn’t understand a lot of things. It’s why getting rid of her was a necessity. She was a hindrance to herself and my child, trying to turn Isabelle against me.

“We all deal with grief differently, and Isabelle, that’s my daughter, is delicate. Her mind is fragile, which is why I need her back, so at least I can make sure she takes her medication.”

“You know where she is?” he queries calmly as he slips his hands into his pockets, straightening to his full height because of the surgery I performed on his knee. If it weren’t for me, he’d still be limping, would still be relying on drugs to manage his pain.

He owes me.

But you don’t tell a man this dangerous something like that.

I close my eyes as I send a quick prayer of gratitude that this is it. This man is going to deliver me my daughter. Isabelle will be returned, and I’ll never let her leave again. I need to make sure I get new bars on her windows.

“Dr. Davis?” Aidan’s voice makes my eyes pop open.

“Yes, sorry.”

He frowns, placing a hand on my shoulder. “You know my reputation, Doctor. Family is everything to the O’Donnellys. You don’t need to apologize for worrying about your daughter.”

I nod. “I was going to retire, but to be honest, work has kept me sane.”

He gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Well, I’m grateful you didn’t. Where would I be without you?” His tone shifts. Just a notch. He knows he owes me. “Where is she?”

“She’s gotten caught up with some motorcycle gang in Los Angeles.”

He quirks a brow. “Which club?”

“The Disciples,” I answer, barely able to breathe. My cock, which rarely gets hard anymore, swells, letting me know that indeed, my day is near.

“They’ve been in the press recently,” is all Aidan says.

“I went to the police and the FBI. How could I not? Especially with that one being on trial for triple murder.”

“Ryder. He was acquitted,” he says slowly, watching me with a concerning intensity. I look away, starting to worry that Aidan knows more about the Disciples than he’s letting on. A man like him knows all, hears all…

“And Isabelle is with them?”

For a moment I almost back down. I mean, if he finds out my plans…

“She was. She’s calling herself Cindy now. The sad fact is she’s sick, mentally. She got that from my late wife. I’m convinced they’ve brainwashed her and are forcing her to… My worry is that she’s being…” My eyes well up with tears as if I can say no more.

My unspoken fear, combined with the tears, seem to hook him. As his eyes narrow, he gruffly tells me, “You don’t need to say another word. It’ll be my pleasure to untangle this situation for you.”

My heart starts to pound, and I have to take a deep breath before I can speak. “Thank you. You have no idea what this means.”

He nods once. “Consider it done.”

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