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“Order.” The judge pounds the gavel again and holds up his hand. “May I please have a word with the prosecution and the defense?”

Jett stands, ready to pounce. He nods at the jurors—they seem somewhat confused.

Ryder turns to look at me, and for a moment, he’s blurry because of my tears.

Our eyes connect.

It’s over.

We won. I can feel it.

Both attorneys talk in hushed voices, but Jett has triumph all over his face. They both thank the judge and walk back to their tables.

“The prosecution has no further questions for this witness.” Ms. Bernard looks down at the table, then up at Daniella.

The judge looks at Jett. “Mr. Powers?”

“Thank you, Your Honor. I’d like to ask Ms. Sokolov a couple of questions.” The judge turns to Daniella, reminding her she’s still under oath as the prosecution frantically texts and papers fall off the table.

“Good morning, Ms. Sokolov. I will make this brief. This man sitting in front of you is not the man you saw murder those three men?”

“No.” She shakes her head, then turns to the jury. “I’ve never seen that man.”

“You sure? You’re under oath.” Jett moves in for the kill.

She nods. “Yes. That man, is not the man ID’d to the prosecution.” She looks at Ms. Bernard, who is clearly flabbergasted, although trying to wear a calm face.

“Your Honor, I motion to dismiss. The prosecution has clearly tried to pin this on an innocent man. But in this country that doesn’t always work.”

“Objection.” Ms. Bernard stands.

“On what? Your key witness is horrified. Look at her. She’s never seen my client. You’re lucky if my client doesn’t sue you for—”

“That’s enough.” The judge bangs his gavel. “Ms. Bernard?” he says. “Does the prosecution have anything else? Or is Ms. Daniella Sokolov’s testimony your only proof?” The judge waits. The room goes silent.

“Just one moment.” She holds up her hand, and my stomach flips as she looks at her phone, then back up, her face flushed. “The prosecution, with all due respect, withdraws its case.” The courtroom explodes again.

The judge looks down at the paperwork on his desk, then pushes his glasses up as the courtroom turns quiet.

“In the matter of the people versus Leonardo DeLucca, the case is dismissed. Mr. DeLucca, you’re free to go.” He slams the gavel down and turns to address the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your service.” He nods and leaves the bench to return to his chambers.

I don’t know when I stand. All I know is he’s free. He turns, and I try to reach for him, but Jett is smiling and laughing as the press moves in on us.

“Ryder,” I scream. Someone pushes me from behind and Blade reaches out, holding a photographer back. And suddenly Ryder grabs me and lifts me over the wooden bench. Setting me down, he cups my face with both hands.

“You.” His eyes are fierce as they zero in on me. “Julianna…” I nod, and the tears flow freely. “Fuck. I love you,” he growls, and I can feel his very strength, passion, and love pour out of him. I wrap my arms around his neck.

“I love you more.”

After wiping my tears away with his thumb, he lowers his head to my mouth, and I feel that pull that is us. I can’t escape it, never want to. It’s stronger than love. It’s as if the very universe has put me here for this man.


“Kiss me.” He smiles, and I’m almost dizzy when his lips take mine. The cameras are filming, and people are screaming questions at us, but all I feel is him.

I moan as his tongue tangles with mine. And I smell his fresh spice and leather scent. I lean closer. Pausing the kiss, he gazes at me, ignoring the insanity that’s swirling around us.

“You’re all I’ll ever need. You’re my gift, my reason that the sun rises and sets.” His gravelly voice sounds strained, as if his emotions are too much for him. We stare into each other’s eyes.

He’s my only love.

He is my forever.


Six months later

I lean against the doorframe and do my favorite thing: watch her. She’s wearing her hair up, ringlets escaping as she stands back to look at the fabric swatches Antoinette and Eve hold up against the wall. She shakes her head, and the three of them stare at the swatches some more.

Her skin is glowing. I adjust myself—can’t help it. Something about seeing her with my baby growing inside her has me in a constant state of arousal.

Like I might have a new fetish, which is why as happy as I am that she’s enjoying herself, it’s time for Eve and Antoinette to leave. I watch like a stalker as she rubs her lower back and laughs at something Eve says.

She’s mesmerizing.

Fucking stunning, inside and out, and she’s mine.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic