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“I’m tired. Gonna try to get a couple hours of sleep,” he grumbles. “Anything else I need to know?”

“No.” Ryder’s voice makes me shiver. It’s not loud, but it’s almost menacing. I squirm in the chair. If I was religious, I’d pray right now, beg God to get me out of this room and away from this giant who makes me want to allow him to do all sorts of nasty things to me.

The president scans my face and frowns, which makes me more than uncomfortable. All the other guys are drinking and smoking. Why is he looking at me like that?

“I better get Gia before the traffic gets bad.” I vomit out the words so fast and loud that now all eyes do turn to me.

Axel cocks his head. “Did you know?”

I lick my lips, which are dry even though I know I put lipstick on.

“What?” I croak.

“Were you in on her plan?” He laughs, but none of this is funny. “Of course, you were. Is that how she had money?” He leans both hands on the table and I have to fight my gut reaction to run. Instead, I take a breath and shake my head. It’s better than trying to outright lie. I was the one who gave her the loan so that she could fulfill her dream. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a nightmare, but at least she tried.

“Some friend you are.” He snorts, and the sting of his words goes straight to my chest. This is unfair. I’m the very best friend, loyal, supportive. What the–?

Axel straightens and points to the ceiling as he takes a swig from the bottle on the table. “My baby sister lies to me, somehow manages to finagle her way on tour with the Stuffed Pussies, and you don’t think to stop her.”

I can’t even respond because he’s not asking a question.

“She’s upstairs, looking like a fucking zombie because that piece-of-shit Granger broke her heart,” he says.

I open my mouth to defend myself and Gia, but it snaps shut when he kicks a chair across the room. All I can do is watch in horror.

“I told her no.”

“I’m so sorry.” My nails dig into the wooden table waiting for… I don’t even know what I’m waiting for anymore.

His blue eyes pierce me and I shiver. I’ve never been around violence before. I was raised by people who hardly talked, unless it was about money or clothes.

“Let it go, Axel.” The deep, gravelly voice behind me makes my heart leap to my throat.

That, and all the guys turn and stare at the warrior, the beast, who has to be the bravest of all men to stand up to Axel.

What is wrong with me? He’s as scary as Axel, maybe more so, and now I’m going to witness more violence if the narrowing of his dark golden eyes is any indication.

Axel cocks his head and smiles at him, then looks at me. The anger and pain in his eyes makes me want to slither away and melt into the floor.

I’m going to kill Gia.

That is, if I survive today.

“The fuck you doing, Ryder?” His voice is quiet, almost eerie, as the president walks over to stand by Axel’s side. Both of them stare at Ryder, who doesn’t seem fazed at all.

“You okay, Ryder? I know it’s been a long couple of days.” The president frowns at him and I wonder if he ever smiles.

“I’m fine, Blade. Axel needs to back off. He’s worried about Gia. We all are. He doesn’t need to scare her friend.” Again, the room is silent, besides the buzz of the neon sign.

Dangerous energy bounces off the walls, and it’s like I’ve been slapped in the face with it. These men might look beautiful, but they are not to be played with. They’re not good. In fact, I’ve never met someone as scary as any one of them.

Poor Gia. I mean, this is her brother. Poor Granger. He’s lucky he’s still alive. Wait, what am I thinking? Poor me.

I glance around the room. Everyone waits. The smoke dances before my face as the sun filters in through the window.

“He’s right, Axel. Bitch at Gia. Leave the friend alone,” the president says, nodding at me. “Go get Gia. Axel will feel better when she’s back at school.”

I blink at him. Do I say something?

“Go, Julianna.” Ryder’s gravelly voice goes straight to my core. When I peer up at him, his golden eyes almost take my breath away. They are mesmerizing, almost intimate, and for a second, I see my future.

Then I run.



Disciples’ clubhouse

Burbank, CA

I ignore the rude comments from the blur of bikers and take the stairs two at a time.

This is it. I will never be so naïve and stupid again. All I’m focusing on is not tripping. I absolutely refuse to humiliate myself further.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic