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“Okay. Don’t be surprised if I’m asleep when you get back.”

Too cute.

With my bag in tow, I opened the screen door and ducked inside. I left the bag in the bathroom before I went the opposite direction for the kitchen.


Sloan was there. He looked like he was about to fall asleep too, only he was leaning back against the counter, slowly sipping coffee, with his eyes closed.

He was dressed in yesterday’s clothes. I would’ve preferred just boxer briefs or, like me, a pair of jeans. The sun felt too good on my chest to cover up. Additionally, with all his clothes on, I couldn’t help but suspect he was heading somewhere.

“Morning, sleeping beauty.” I approached him, hesitating, wondering—could I pick up where we’d left off last night? I fucking hoped so, because I had a hankering for affection.

“Mmph.” He grunted quietly and took another sip from his mug. “I thought I’d wait to intrude till he got off.”

Oh. I grinned. “When did you wake up?”

He cracked his sleepy eyes open and squinted. “I’m not sure I’m awake yet, but I rolled outta bed ten minutes ago.”

Fuck hesitation, I thought. I walked over to him and leaned in, stealing a quick kiss, then gauged his reaction.

He smiled slightly, just the barest hint, but set down his mug and slipped a hand to my side. It was invitation enough for me, and I hugged him to me.

No awkwardness this time, thank fuck. He squeezed me tightly and buried his face against my neck.

“Tell me last night happened,” he murmured drowsily. “And tell me what smells so damn good.”

Fuck me, the relief nearly bowled me over. I took a deep breath and pressed my lips to his temple. “Last night definitely happened, and Archie’s making some beef stew for lunch.”

He exhaled and nuzzled the skin along my shoulder. “You smell damn good too.”

I smiled and palmed his cheek. “Check us out, acting like teenagers with crushes.” I dipped down and kissed him before he could offer a wisecrack. “Come meet Archie,” I murmured. “Maybe get undressed.”

He smirked into the kiss, giving me a seductive twist of his tongue around mine. “Be patient with me. I’m still processing this right here.”

I chuckled under my breath. Yeah, it was time to park the bulldozer in the garage.

“Sorry—I’m riding one hell of a high,” I admitted. “You’ve agreed to live here. As of five minutes ago, so did Archie. Shit’s finally coming together.” I kissed him quickly once more, then made my way to the fridge.

Sloan merely watched me with a pinch of amusement in his eyes.

Said eyes were warmer today. Warmer than they’d been in ages. I hoped it meant he could let go and take a breather. Stress and worry had never looked good on him.

After doing what I was supposed to, I jerked my head for Sloan to follow me, and I brought a pitcher of water, a dish towel, and a Coke with me outside.

Aw, pity. Archie had left the floor and put on his briefs and T-shirt. He ran a hand through his short hair and smiled at me, appearing equal parts impish and nervous. Maybe he’d seen Sloan through the living room window.

“Sweetheart, I want you to meet my best friend,” I said. “The one you and all the women in my family were right about. Sloan, Archie—sweetest Americanized Brit you’ll ever meet and now my slave.”

“I do enjoy being right, Master.” Archie shifted his smile to Sloan and extended his hand. “I feel like I already know you, but it’s an honor to meet you in person, Sir.”

Oh damn—that was a well-placed Sir. Out of respect, no doubt, but Sloan needed to be reminded that he was a Dom.

If I wasn’t mistaken, Sloan hadn’t expected the title; he had no reason to, though it didn’t hurt either. He squared his shoulders a little and shook Archie’s hand firmly.

“You too, Archie,” he replied. “Contrary to how I behaved last night, I’m looking forward to getting to know you.”

At Archie’s curious expression, I supplied helpful info.

“Sloan was jealous as fuck because he’s head over heels in love with me.” I extended the water pitcher and towel to Archie. “You can clean up your come shot, baby.”

This was fun. This was fucking perfect. Despite Sloan’s scowl.

My boy tossed me a brief, patient smile before he faced Sloan again. “I’m learning to tell my Master apart from the Sadist he also is. I understand he pushes buttons to provoke a reaction.”

I grinned and sat down in one of the chairs.

“I like you already.” Sloan’s words were for Archie, but his wry expression was for me.

I was just in love with the moment.

Half an hour or so later, life was even better.

“Do you want me to take her so you can eat, Sir?” Archie asked.

Tags: Cara Dee The Game Erotic