“See.” Nick pulls me back to him. “That’s why it’s you. You don’t care about the money. You don’t see our flaws as flaws. You’re here, and you stay, even when it’s complicated or confusing. You’re here for us.”
“I’m not the only sane woman in the world,” I grumble.
“Afraid you’re going to lose us?” He asks.
Holden stands behind me and holds my hips as Nick caresses my face. Holden kisses my neck softly. “We’re all yours.”
“Even when I hit thirty?”
“Absolutely,” Nick promises. “Hell, then people will stop mentioning the age difference as much.”
I giggle and lean back, rubbing Holden with one hand. “You guys are too much.”
“Nah, you handle us well,” Holden assures me.
“And you call me sweet.” I bite my lip.
We have a lazy morning. Filled with cuddling and kisses. When Gunner gets up, he manages to kiss me softly before dropping into a free seat with a groan. “I’m not in my twenties anymore.”
“Aww, Gunner. All partied out?” Nick teases.
I giggle and rub Nick’s chest. Gunner rolls his eyes. “For this weekend.”
“We have the bachelor party next weekend,” Nick tells me. “Are you going to be able to survive one night without us?”
“It will be challenging. But I do have a vibrator.” I tease.
“I thought we stole all those.” Gunner grumbles before nudging Holden. “Did you forget one?”
Holden chuckles and rolls his eyes. By the time Roman gets up and around, it’s nearly two p.m. He kisses the top of my head. “So we’re going on a date tonight?”
“Dinner and swimming,” Nick informs us.
I rub him, thankfully. Somehow, I’m already exhausted. And knowing them, I’m going to need my energy tonight. I excuse myself for a nap and end up on the phone with my mom instead. She’s insisting on us spending next weekend together since the guys are going out and we need some girl time.
She dangles a spa day in front of me, and I can’t tell her no. The idea of being pampered and allowed to relax is just too nice. With that, I fall asleep and wake to someone climbing in bed with me.
Looking over my shoulder, I see Roman. He grumbles something about going back to sleep, but when I fit myself against him, he sighs.
“Just sleeping.”
“I mean it. I’m exhausted.” He yawns.
I smile to myself and wrap his arm around me. We nap until the alarm goes off, then I get up and through a shower. Once I get dressed in something nice – cute – we head out in a limo. Roman and Gunner are talking soccer, arguing about how Massimo’s team is going to do without him this season, while Nick and Holden talk about something related to the wedding.
I kick back, drifting between the two conversations until Roman rubs my thigh, pushing my dress up. I shake my head at him. “You have to wait until after dinner.”
“Even though we have a whole balcony to ourselves?” Nick licks his bottom lip as he lifts my skirt.
I push it down and shake my head. “Can we get through one date, even half of one date, without you guys trying to strip me?”
“Doesn’t sound like a fun date.” Gunner teases. “We should buy you pole dancing lessons.”
“I’d give you all my ones.” Holden nods, not the voice of reason I expect.