I lean my head to the side, unsure of what to make of that statement. He clears his throat. “Anyway. We’re at work, and I’m making an effort to keep business-only conversations at work.”
I nod.
“Which means that only business meetings should take place here.” He levels me with a gaze.
I’m sure I blush, but I nod and clear my throat. “Heard loud and clear.”
“Just had to make sure it was said since I got a report from a former employee and a current employee.” He continues as I stand.
“I won’t divulge the name.” He looks to the side. “Even to my daughter. I don’t want any questions about your legitimacy when it comes to the company.”
“With me or the other owners. Whatever your relationship is, we are strictly professional at work.”
“Yes, sir.” I nod. “As always, I appreciate your time, Mr. Langston.”
He chuckles and motions to the door. When I get back to my office, I pull a chair around to put my feet up. Nothing like having your dad tell you not to have sex or make out at the office. I pinch the bridge of my nose and reach into my drawer for some headache medicine.
As soon as I down it with a big mouthful of water, Gunner walks in. I try my best to be professional as he takes the chair I just moved. His knee brushes mine, and the thick smell of fresh tobacco and brandy fills my head.
“How can I help you?”I beam at him.
He looks me over slowly, lingering on my lips. “A repeat of last night would be nice.”
“Gunner.” I shake my head and glance towards Dad’s office.
Even though he looks entirely focused on his computer, I can’t help but wonder if he’s watching or having Neal watch. I clear my throat. “Anything business-related?”
“You’re no fun today.” He brushes his hand over my thigh. “Something up your butt I should know about, sweets? Especially since I didn’t put it there?”
“No!” I gasp. “No. Dad just made it clear that we are to be strictly professional at work.”
“Shame.” He licks across his bottom lip. “We’re going VIP style tonight. I thought you’d want to know that.”
“Mmhmm.” He grins. “Since you don’t love me for my money, I have to fix that.”
I roll my eyes and take his hand under the table. “I love you for you, Gunner. How you make me laugh and make me feel safe and seen and appreciated even when I’m silly and weird.”
“And horny, don’t forget that.” He winks. “At lunch or right after work, I want you to find the sexiest eye-catching dress you can find for me. Something that is going to make me want to blind other guys just for looking.”
“So I can see you in a fight?”
“If you want that, I know this club that I can’t talk about-”
“Fight Club?”
“Where you can watch me destroy others.” He teases.
We both laugh after a moment, and I shake my head. “Okay. I’ll get a dress. But please, professional at work. Dad is trying to deal with everything plus the wedding coming up.”
“And I’m trying to deal with Neal coming into your office multiple times a day like an over-eager stable boy trying to impress the princess.”
“Oh, reading period pieces to spice up your erotica now?”
A wicked smile teases his lips and makes me swallow my sass. He looks me over again. “Well, when I can picture every woman as you, it’s hard to resist extensive reading.”
“Especially when someone won’t let me act it out at work.”
I fan myself and shake my head. “Save it for tonight. VIP style.”
He squeezes my hand, mouths that he loves me, and heads out, just happening to stop by Neal’s desk on the way. Nothing like a man-marking his territory.