“Your father included.”

She goes a bad shade of pale, almost green. Her lips purse together, and she swallows. I take that as an invitation to continue. “Like I said, it was very different from being with you. She only bonded with Matthew, I guess since now they’re getting married, but I can’t imagine how your father can see our relationship any differently than that.”

“Than me being a ….”

“A willing sexual partner and nothing else.” I jump in before she can use any derogatory term about herself. I don’t want something like that even in her mind, let alone between us. “And we know it’s not like that because we’ve been building this relationship.”


“So it will take some convincing, but I think it’s worth it.” I finish.

When we park at the hospital, Sophie looks up at me. “Did it start as me being a replacement?”

“No,” I reassure her, leaning towards her. “We were looking for another woman, but the last thing we expected was you. You’re so much more than … than anyone I’ve ever known, Sophie.”

She swallows and nods. “I can understand that. You guys were a surprise. I didn’t think I was going to be kissing my dad’s friends, let alone getting into a polyamorous relationship with you guys. It’s so crazy but the best kind of crazy I’ve ever experienced.”

I smile and kiss the back of her hand. “Any regrets?”

“Not so far.”

With that, we head up to the hospital room. I’m glad that Bella isn’t between us anymore. Not that she knew about it to begin with, but I feel better knowing that it can’t come up in a bad way and be used against us.

Miles is alone when we get there and when he looks at Sophie, his eyes soften despite the fact that he immediately looks out the window. I know he misses her. I know he hates everything between them, but I don’t know if he’s ready to move on.

“Daddy.” She whispers.

“Sophie, now isn’t a good time, okay?”

“Mom knows.”

“I’m well aware that she saw enough to make it clear that there is plenty going on in the house while I’m not there.” He growls. “You can leave, Nick.”

“No, Dad. We’re going to talk about this, and I’d like to have Nick here. He’s good at keeping people calm, and he’s good with his words.” She says clearly.

I blink a few times. Usually, I’m just the more sensitive or understanding of the group. Sophie takes my hand. “Since Nick is such a good mediator and because he cares about both of us, I think he should be here.”

“Because my opinion doesn’t matter. It hasn’t mattered in a while, has it, Sophie?”

“You’re making demands, not voicing an opinion. It’s different. I care about each of the guys. You don’t have to understand it or like it, but you can’t just make me leave a relationship that-”

Miles snorts. “Relationship. I’ve seen exactly what that ‘relationship’ is like. They’re using you, Sophie.”

“We didn’t use Bella,” I say.

Miles immediately looks at me with a look that could kill. I shrug. “She knowingly joined us. It was her decision. Just like this is Sophie’s decision despite the fact that it’s a very different relationship.”

“Don’t bring her up. Not around Sophie and not around Diana.”

“I already know, Dad.” Sophie squeezes my hand. “I don’t have secrets with them. We care about each other.”

“You can’t date four men. Even dating one man close to my age is ridiculous.” He shakes his head.

“Again, you don’t have to understand it. I would just hate if this is what ruins our relationship, Dad. I love you. I love you, and I’ve been so happy getting to see you and spend time with you.”

“Oh, I know why you’ve been happy.”

“Yeah. Because I’m working at a great company that I have pride in thanks to you. I get to see you after how many years without you. And yeah, because I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in. Things are going well for me, and I want to share that happiness with you.”

Tags: Barbi Cox Erotic