“It is.” Sophie hisses. “I’m doing it. If you don’t believe me, maybe you should ask Dad.”
That stops the laughter. Her mother looks between us. Her mouth opens and closes, and she shakes her head. “You cannot let him find out about this, Sophia. I’m one thing, but your father. He’ll flip his lid if he even thinks something is going on.” She points at us.
“No. I’m serious. You’d be lucky to be living here and definitely lucky to be sitting happily all together like nothing is going on. So I’ll do you a favor.” She cups Sophie’s face. “Narrow it down to one man, and you’ll never have a problem with him.”
Sophie blinks at her mother, obviously confused. ‘What?”
“Yeah. Just choose one guy to be with, and I’ll make sure that no matter what, your dad doesn’t have anything negative to say about it. I know my way around that man.” Diana insists. “I can get him to behave for one man.”
“Well, I don’t think I can do that,” Sophie argues, wrapping her arm around mine while also rubbing Roman’s back.
“I think you’re going to want me on your side with this,” Diana argues. “Try telling your dad that you’re dating two men.”
“Well, that would be a lie.”
“I’m dating four, not two.”
I swear, Diana is so pale; I’m worried about her health as she continues to try to get the word “four” out. She stumbles then points at Sophie. “We’re talking to your father.”
“Well, Sophie has a pretty busy day. Why don’t I go with you, Diana?” I offer.
“Gunner, I can’t trust that I won’t try to hit you at least once.”
“Feel free. I’m not that easy to bruise.”
“They’re twice your age!” She blurts out. “All of them! Your father’s best friends, and you’re just screwing them!?”
I actually wince at how loud she is. Roman’s arm tightens around Sophie’s waist. “We’re not just in it for the sex.”
“Oh yeah, because it’s possible for any of you to have an actual relationship with her, let alone all of you.” She scoffs. “What do you have in common? Hmm?”
“Plenty.” Roman growls. “Sophie isn’t just some-”
“She’s some kinky sex toy you all share, and somehow you made my smart, capable daughter okay with it.”
“Stop talking like I’m not here!” She nearly yells. “I chose this. I don’t know why it’s so hard for you and dad to wrap your heads around it. I like them. They’re good to me and what we have is special. If you don’t get it, fine. It’s not for you to approve of.”
I smile and rub her back until her eyes flick to mine. “Well done, sweets.”
“Thanks.” She bites her lip shyly, then turns on her mother. “I care about each of them, and I know they care about me.”
“Honey, it’s so easy to think that when guys say and do whatever they think will get them in your pants. You’re smarter than that. You know how they are. Just because they’re older, that doesn’t change anything.” Diana tries another angle.
“You don’t know them. You’ve been here a few days.”
“And you’ve been here a few months.”
“Yeah, and that’s all it’s taken for me to fall for each of them.” Sophie hisses.
Roman and I blink at each other, and Sophie takes a step back, her face going from bright red to paler than I’ve ever seen it. She glances at us, then clears her throat. “I’m working from home today.”
“If you need me, call.”