“What kind of rich bitch are you?” She calmly asks me.
“Excuse me?”
“The kind that holds tight to their wallet or the one who flashes the black card just to get a few extra compliments?”
We watch each other for a long while and I smirk slowly. “I don’t give a shit about my wallet.”
“Ah, that kind of rich.” She sits back like something’s been confirmed.
“Are you interested in what’s in my pocket, or what’s in my pants, Valerie?”
She chokes on her drink, wipes under her gorgeous red lips, and spears me with a hot glare. I bite my bottom lip. “I’m just a little curious considering you had no problem rubbing yourself all over me at the wedding, hardon and all.”
“I don’t give a shit about your money.”
“Don’t want to be my sugar baby?”
“I don’t want to be youranything.” She hisses. “You treat girls like prizes to be won. Just because I forgot that for one horny, tipsy moment doesn’t change what’s obvious. I’d be a notch on your bedpost and I’m not interested in that kind of reputation.”
“You don’t get to have a place in my bed or on my bedpost unless you beg for it, sweetheart,” I assure you. “And trust me, I’d make sure you beg before I’d even kiss you.”
“I don’t beg.”
“You would for me. Want me to prove it?” I ask before taking a long drink.
Valerie’s face flushes, but she doesn’t back down. That defiant gaze, the slight pout to her lips, the way she’s breathing hard. I may just have a challenge on my hands.
“I don’tneedanything from you, Hunter. I can get what Iwantfrom my battery operated friend with the extra perk of not dealing with your attitude.”
“When you get tired of fucking yourself and want someone else to do it, call me.” I toss her my card and wink. “I expect it’ll be soon.”
It’s not fair that they’re this sexy. I figured I just remembered them better than they were but no if anything I downplayed it. If Hunter just had a random mole, or a giant wart on his face or was half as smooth, this wouldn’t even be a conversation. I mean … I’m not shallow, but he’s my perfect brand of cocky and sexy.
But I won’t beg. I didn’t beg for Chase, and that’s a low blow I won’t pull out yet. I know better than to reveal the ace in my hand. So I sit back and sip. Then say, “Honey, if either of us is going to beg, it’s gonna be you.”
“Not a chance.” That bad-boy smile turns up his lips as he glances from my tits to my mouth. “I know what I offer.” He gets closer.
“And I know you’re dying to fuck me.” My lips turn up in a half-smile when his eyes go wide. “I bet I could get you on your knees, begging to taste my pussy, just a single taste. Like a drug you need to get through the next day.”
“So I should crawl under the table? That’s what you want?”
I wrap my lips around the straw and make sure my cheeks hollow out as I take a long drink, draining the whole glass. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat and his eyes darken. Two can tease. When I lean back, I stroke a lock of hair, brushing my fingers over my cleavage.
“What doyouwant Hunter?”
Because wording matters with him, I can tell. He wants me to admit I’m interested. It’s a game to him. But now he’s set a bar. I’m not going to beg, he says he never will, so we’re at an impasse.
“Are you two playing nice?” Gunner asks, sitting next to Hunter.
“I could be nicer,” Hunter croons.
Chase sits back down and stretches. “I bid on a dinner cruise. If I win, would you like to join me, Valerie?”
The direct request takes me off-guard after the verbal sparring with Hunter. My eyes go to Chase and hold. “A date?”
“Why not? Unless you’re taken.”