Page 14 of Charmed By 3

That is not the thought. The thought is to utilize her abilities in the best way. If that happens to lead to more time with her, so be it. We return to the main house – the mansion – and find Mr. Volkov.

He adjusts his cuffs and glances up at his sons. “Did you achieve the goal?”

“We behaved.” Hunter puts on his normal face for his father.

He is always closed off with his father. Chase has told me that it’s the same face he would wear after a fight in high school. Interesting.

“Stefan was there, with women on his arm. Nothing appeared to be off.” Chase agrees. “It was a simple night, father.”

“Interesting.” The Russian tint to his words makes it seem sharper, not that his eyes help. “I was expecting more information.”

“What can be gained by being at a charity event?”

“An opportunity is an opportunity!” He growls. “Perhaps I put my faith in the wrong people. I could have sent Ivan and Sven. I imagine they would have provided more details, perhaps not been distracted.”

“What makes you think we were distracted?” Hunter looks at his nails.

“The fact that you have nothing meaningful to say at any given moment.”

Mr. Volkov is not a man who appreciates compromise. Anger is the default for him. He takes a slow breath and smooths his hand over his steadily balding head, then down his face, rubbing his jaw.

“I’m not sure what I need to do to instill the proper respect and discipline into you two. You don’t have the luxury of enjoying events like that when you could have spoken to Stefan, you could have gotten us more business by charming eligible ladies instead of simply sitting on your asses and eating.”

A harsh judgment considering nothing was said beforehand.

“Instigating Stefan wouldn’t have achieved anything. Better to make our appearance known and wait for him to reach out.” I say calmly. “He is predictable.”

Mr. Volkov looks at me, then sneers. “Anything else to say, Lief?”

“We did make necessary connections.”

He considers this, then nods once. “Then I apologize for my outburst. Please. Who is the person who is so important and can assist us?”

Hunter shakes his head at me once. I shrug. “A psychologist who could be an asset if we have doubts about a conflict or person.”

“That is positive.” His face changes immediately, lighting up with an easy smile. “Then you did wonderful, my boys. “Otlichnaya rabota.”

They incline their heads. Mr. Volkov says he is going out and there is vodka to reward their efforts in the freezer. Ivan will be joining him and he will let them know anything they need to know.

Old man doesn’t trust them. He’s made that clear. He walks out with the large, muscular Ivan trailing behind. Hunter goes to the freezer while Chase grabs three glasses. The kitchen is ornate, never an issue considering all the appliances are new and everything is kept sparkling clean for fear of Mr. Volkov.

“Even those poor cute maids are afraid of Dad.” Chase snorts. “If Uncle Sergei hadn’t prepared us for him, we would have had a different time.”

“Doesn’t matter. A dick is a dick. No wonder Mom …” Hunter trails off and glances at his brother before pouring the Vodka. “I’m still against us getting Valerie involved in our shit.”

“Agreed,” I say simply, even though I’m sure I wouldn’t act on any order.

“And dragged an innocent girl into Father’s attention.” Hunter snarls. “She may be a sassy woman who can hold her own, but being involved in this family and this … business isn’t anoptionalthing. The second she enters, she’s in it for life. Do you know what that could do to her?”

Chase rubs his forehead. “The second she knows anything or Dad thinks she knows anything, she’s going to be in trouble. Then she’s only good for as long as she’s useful.”

“Your father mentioned there being a potential informant in the business.” I remind them as I take my own drink and sip from the glass. “We can ask what to look for without involving her further.”

“That’s bullshit and even you know it, Lief,” Hunter says. “Valerie will be curious; she’ll insist on being involved somehow.”

“No.” Chase disagrees. “No, she said she didn’t even have time for a date due to her schedule. She’ll do everything she can over the phone or email.”

“Which will still lead to her!” Hunter takes a slow breath.

Tags: Barbi Cox Erotic