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“Adversary? You make her sound like some kind of Bond villain.”

“Pfft, amateurs compared to this lady. She’s this tiny little woman with a supersweet smile and a perfect little bob, and holy shit, she will bust your shit up without laying a finger on you. I don’t know how she does it, but she has this death stare. Like Medusa. If you look directly at her, you’re screwed, except she doesn’t turn you to stone, she destroys you with her mom guilt. Like how

can you break her heart? How can you crush her soul? Which is what you’re doing by saying no or disagreeing with her. You say yes, and you fucking run. You run fast, Sloane.”

Sloane was in tears from laughing. He could picture it so clearly. “Are you telling me there’s someone out there who’s immune to your Daley charm?”

“You have no fucking idea. I shit you not. You know how Darla does that Southern ‘I’m smiling, and sweet-sounding words are coming out of my mouth, but I’m actually about to shank you with a spork’ thing? Well this is worse. So much worse.”

Sloane thought about it. “Like Julia?”

Dex shook his head. “I would walk through fire for Julia. No one wants to disappoint Julia. Lou’s mom is more like, if you disappoint her, you’re the biggest asshole to walk this earth and you’re going to hell for causing this poor innocent little lady so much pain. She’s pure evil, I tell you. Evil wrapped in floral chiffon.”

Sloane fell over onto his side, holding his stomach, which started to cramp from laughing so hard. His face hurt. He was dying to call Lou up and have him send his mom over just so he could witness this great feat. He needed to get some tips from the woman.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Dex said with a sniff as he stood with his empty plate. “If you so much as even hint at what you’re thinking, there will be no sexy times for you for the foreseeable future.”

Sloane sat up with a scoff. “Please. Like you would last a day.” He picked up his plate and followed Dex into the kitchen. Dex took it from him and started washing, grumbling under his breath, making Sloane laugh. He wrapped his arms around Dex from behind and nuzzled his temple. “And why would you want to?” He kissed behind Dex’s ear, loving the shiver it sent through his sexy-as-sin partner. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t subject you to such horrors.”

Dex finished washing up, his lips doing that adorable pouty thing. When he’d dried his hands, Sloane took his hand and pulled him into a twirl before dipping him. Dex let out a laugh, and Sloane planted a quick sweet kiss on those delicious lips, then brought him back up. Dex shoved at him playfully, shaking his head before he turned to walk away.

“Come here, baby,” Sloane said in a low sultry tone that immediately got Dex’s attention. His sexy man turned to him, laughing when Sloane crooked his finger. He bit down on his bottom lip before giving Sloane his hand. Sloane pulled Dex against him, and they danced around the kitchen, through the dining room, and into the living room. Sloane’s heart was ready to burst from how happy he was. This right here, this was what mattered. Whatever happened in their work lives, whatever job they were doing, whatever operation they’d find themselves in, this was what he would look back on, what he would draw strength from. This was worth surviving whatever trials came their way, and hopefully someday soon, they could retire and spend every evening in each other’s arms, dancing, laughing, and loving each other unconditionally.

After dancing, they went back to watching TV before showering and changing into their pajamas. Cael called, and while Dex chatted with his brother, Sloane put some laundry away. Afterward, he was in the mood for some ice cream. They’d gotten so caught up in their being sappy that he’d forgotten about dessert.

Sloane headed into the kitchen and searched the freezer with a frown. Where the hell was it? “Babe, where’s my ice cream?”


Sloane closed the freezer door and turned to find Dex standing in the middle of the kitchen, spoon near his mouth and what looked suspiciously like Sloane’s Cherry Garcia in his hand. Or rather an empty carton of what was once Cherry Garcia. Considering the carton of Phish Food had also been absent in Sloane’s search of the freezer, he was going to hazard a guess that a certain someone had devoured that as well.

“Um.” Dex dropped his gaze to the carton, then looked back up at Sloane, big blue eyes wide and innocent. “I can explain.”

Sloane leaned against the counter, his arms folded over his chest. “I can’t wait to hear this.” He arched an eyebrow at Dex and motioned for him to proceed.

“The thing is,” Dex began, and Sloane could almost see all the little wheels and cogs working furiously in that sweet little Dex brain. “I, um….” A lightbulb went off somewhere, and Dex met Sloane’s gaze, his expression serious. “Sloane, I didn’t know how I was going to tell you this with everything going on, but….” He sniffed, and Sloane straightened.

“What’s wrong?”

Dex’s bottom lip wobbled, and he let out a shaky breath. “I’m pregnant.”

Sloane’s expression turned deadpan. “Really?”

Dex nodded. “It was a craving. I’m so sorry. I’m eating for two, you know.” He put the spoon and the empty carton in the sink before placing a hand on his belly. He gasped. “Quick, give me your hand. I can feel him kicking.”

Sloane rolled his eyes, and Dex let out a loud, disturbingly long burp. “False alarm. It was just gas.”

“Classy.” Sloane shook his head and walked around the counter as Dex washed his spoon. Dex then dived onto the couch when Sloane sat down. Sloane flipped through the channels, and Dex rolled onto his back, his head in Sloane’s lap.

“Don’t be mad.”

Sloane wasn’t mad, but that didn’t mean he was going to let Dex off the hook that easy. Dex knew better than to eat two cartons of ice cream in one night.

“You ate your ice cream and mine.”

Dex pouted. “I’m sorry. Being half Therian is hard. I’m hungry all the time.”

Sloane scoffed. “Nice try. You were hungry all the time before.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance