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Dex’s brows drew together. “What happened in 2005?”

“My team and I were on our way to seize a Therian we believed played a major role in the Makhai. Someone in our organization warned them we were coming. They were waiting for us. I was almost killed. One of our top operatives wasn’t so lucky. It was also the day Fang became Wolf.”

“You’re talking about when Wolf’s pa

rtner, Tucker, was killed?”

“Yes. We need to find the Chairman and get him to divulge who his contacts at TIN are. Until then, I’m afraid we have to be careful with our intel.”

“Any word from Austen?” Ash asked.

Sparks looked at her watch. “He should be calling in three, two….”

Sloane’s new cell phone rang, and he picked up. “Hello? Hold on, I’m going to put you on speaker. Yes, area’s secure.” Sloane tapped the phone, and Austen’s voice came over the line.

“I found the van.”

“What? Where?” Dex asked, ready to head out.

“Sorry, Dex. Place has been wiped clean. I swept the place myself from top to bottom. They cleaned it good.”

“Fuck,” Dex spat out. He was getting sick and tired of this.

“Hold your horses, Daley. I said we were down, not out. The place was cleaned professionally, and not too long ago. The smell was strong and really familiar. I remember another location we checked out having the same smell. It was one of the locations given to us by Moros’s associates. While I was combing the place, I found a small droplet of cleaning solution someone had left behind. A reliable contact of mine is analyzing it as we speak. He’ll be able to get us the formula and a breakdown of all the ingredients, because my guess is this compound can’t be bought at your local supermarket.”

“Which means we should be able to trace and cross-reference it,” Dex said, trying not to get too excited. “Nice job, Austen. How long until we have that information?”

“It’s going to take two to three hours at least. I’ll be sure to call you.”

Damn it. “Thanks, Austen. I appreciate it.” Austen hung up, and Dex turned to Sloane. “We need to look into abandoned places around the city. Anything that’s seen unusual activity.”

Before Sloane could reply, Sparks spoke up. “All available units were sent out and are questioning anyone who might have seen anything unusual, but there are dozens upon dozens of abandoned locations in this city, not to mention a vast amount of camera footage to analyze. It’s going to take time. I’ve also put out a call to THIRDS HQ in Princeton, New Jersey, and in Philadelphia. They’ve sent out several units as well. It’s very possible they’ve moved Maddock out of the city but are still keeping him close. For now, I need you all to get some food in you and discuss the next course of action.”

Dex was ready to protest, but Sparks put up her hand to stop him.

“It’s getting late. None of you ate properly after your shift at the park. I’m surprised you’re still standing. Dex, you haven’t eaten at all. None of you will be any good to Maddock if you’re not at your best. Shower, eat, and when you’re done, you’re each scheduled for a brief session with Dr. Winters.”

The room filled with groans.

“Are you kidding me?” Dex shook his head in disbelief. “We don’t have time for that.”

“What do we need to see the doc for?” Ash grumbled.

Sparks’s brows shot up. “Do you want me to make you a list?”

Ash glowered at her, and Sparks’s expression softened.

“I’m sorry, that was insensitive and uncalled for. It’s been… a challenge for all of us. Maddock’s abduction is officially a THIRDS case. As you all know, anyone connected to Sergeant Maddock can volunteer to see Dr. Winters. However, in the case of Destructive Delta, it’s protocol and not an option. He’s your sergeant, and in Dex and Cael’s case, a parent. Dr. Winters has to sign each of you off after your sessions or the team will be pulled from the case. As it was, I had to fight to keep you lead on this. If it weren’t for the respect everyone has for Sergeant Maddock and their desire to see him found alive, they would never have allowed Destructive Delta to work this case. It’s not my call.”

“And if I don’t get cleared,” Dex said, leaning his hands on her desk to meet her gaze. “You think I’m going to just step aside and let someone take lead on this?”

Sparks let out a heavy sigh. “We all know better than that, Dex. Please, just see Dr. Winters. It’s not as if he isn’t familiar with you or the rest of the team, and he knows how important this time is for you, which is why he’s made an exception and is keeping the sessions short. Give him a chance. Emotions are running high right now. Maybe he can help with that.”

Damn it. He didn’t have time for this. Instead of being out there in the streets, he had to be sitting on a couch, sharing his feelings with a shrink. As soon as he thought that, he felt like shit. It wasn’t Dr. Winters’s fault. The guy was just doing his job. Dex liked the doc, he really did. The guy was always there with a smile and word of encouragement. Dex probably spent as much time in Dr. Winters’s office as he had in the principal’s office when he was a kid. Hmm… interesting.

“Fine.” Dex took the room off privacy mode and stormed out, the others following behind. They headed for the locker room, everyone lost in their own thoughts. They agreed to meet in the canteen after a quick shower. He stood under the showerhead, hoping the hot water would ease some of the tension in his muscles, but that didn’t help. When he was done, he brushed his teeth to get rid of the nasty taste in his mouth, changed into a clean uniform, and walked with Sloane to the elevator. Forty-eight hours until their rehearsal dinner. The wedding was in less than ninety-six.

“I’m not hungry,” Dex grumbled, tapping his fingers against his thighs. He was jittery as hell. Like he was going to crawl out of his skin if he didn’t do something, but there was nothing he could do. The elevator was empty, so Sloane stepped in front of him.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance