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“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that, like ‘sorry they’re lion Therians,’ I mean, I don’t know them. I’m sure they’re really nice guys and all.”

Dom let out a snort. “They’re assholes, but it’s okay, Daley. Relax. I know what you meant. I’m used to it.”

Dex couldn’t imagine growing up with three lion Therian brothers, much less being the youngest and Human.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love my brothers, but I never felt like I fit in with them, you know? I was always the odd one out, and it drove me crazy how they treated me with kid gloves. Like I was this fragile little thing made of glass that could break at any moment. You think you’re protective of Cael? Try being Human with three Therian big brothers.” He shook his head with a laugh. “It’s a fucking miracle I lost my virginity. They scared the ever-loving fuck out of every guy who tried to date me. In high school, I had to ban them from coming to football practice, because they’d lose their shit every time I got tackled by a Therian.” He sighed and looked down at his fingers. “I know I shouldn’t complain because I’m blessed to have a family who loves me, and three brothers who would walk through hell and back for me, but that doesn’t mean it was easy.”

“But look at you now,” Dex said, motioning to Dom in all his ginormous Human glory. The guy was a force to be reckoned with. Dex had seen him in action. Being the Human partner of a Therian Team Leader took fucking balls. Dex should know. It was one of the hardest positions on the team, because when your partner was in Therian form, it was all on you. Then there was the fact that Theta Destructive had more members than Destructive Delta, with five Therian Defense members to Destructive Delta’s three. Dom was taller than Dex, and had about twenty pounds of muscle on Dex. He was fierce.

Dom chuckled. “Yeah, well, we Palladino men are built like brick shithouses. Take after my old man. He’s the lion Therian.” Mischief filled Dom’s hazel eyes. “Besides, you know how much shit I got away with being the precious baby of the family? Still do.” He waggled his eyebrows, and Dex laughed.

“Fuck. Now I feel sorry for your brothers.”

Dom’s cackle was evil. “I was such a little shit.”

“Speaking of handful. West.”

Dom narrowed his eyes at Dex. “I heard you like to play matchmaker.”

Dex shrugged. “It’s a gift.”

“No, it’s meddling. There’s nothing going on between us except some harmless flirting. He flirts with everyone.” The frown on Dom’s face and his shrug told Dex that maybe that was the problem.

“And you’d rather he just flirts with you.”

Dom peered at him, and Dex quickly held up a hand.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to push.”

Dom let out a sigh. “It’s fine. Sorry, I’m being a dick. I like him. Problem is, so do a lot of other guys, and he likes them right back. Don’t get me wrong, he’s young, hot, and smart. If he enjoys having lots of casual sex, who am I to judge? It’s just not for me. I’ve never been a one-night-stand kind of guy. I like getting to know someone, spend time with them, the intimacy of it all. With all the shit we see out there, coming home to someone who can make it all go away with just their smile, that’s what I want. Someone who’ll stick around, be there.” Dom shook his head. “West is not the stick-around kind of guy.”

“How do you know?”

Dom motioned over Dex’s shoulder, and Dex turned to find West wrapped around some random dude, sucking face.

What the fuck, man? That was harsh. Dex turned back to Dom, feeling for the guy. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

“It is what it is.”

“Have you told him?”

“Told him what? There’s nothing to tell. He flirts, I flirt back, and that’s it. Besides, it wouldn’t be appropriate. I’m going to be his Team Leader.”

Dex arched an eyebrow at him, and Dom laughed.

“Fuck, I forgot.”

“You forgot Sloane was my Team Leader?”

“Yeah. I guess because when I see you two together, I just see the unit, you know. Like two halves of a whole. On his own, I see Team Leader Sloane Brodie, but when you’re there, I don’t know. I’m not making any sense.”

“You’re such a romantic underneath all the muscles and curses.”

“You’re weird.”

Dex threw his head back and laughed. “And you’re awesome.” Dex’s chips arrived, and he threw his arm around Dom. “Come on. Let’s go see what these troublemakers are up to.” They might be an incestuous little family, but Dex wouldn’t trade them for the world.


Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance