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Feeling somewhat better, Sloane hurried off home and found his solemn-looking partner in the kitchen leaning against the counter, staring off into space.

“TIN dude was here. He removed the surveillance cameras,” Dex mumbled, looking out at nothing in particular. Sloane hated seeing him so despondent. He stopped in front of Dex, his feet to either side of Dex’s and his hands on Dex’s hips.

“You’re being too hard on yourself,” Sloane said.

Dex frowned and averted his gaze. “What if that happens out in the field? What if we’re in the middle of an op and I hesitate because I’m afraid of hurting you and you end up injured or worse? I hesitated, Sloane, and look how quickly it escalated. I didn’t see an enemy operative; I saw Austen. I know how much he means to you, and I thought ‘fuck, if I do this, I’m going to hurt Sloane,’ and there I was telling you to shoot him, and fuck.” He ran his hand over his face. “What if I suck at this? What if joining TIN was just me stroking my ego, thinking I could be this superspy and I end up getting you killed?” Dex sucked in a sharp breath. “You want a family, and fuck, I really want a family with you too, and what if I fuck it all up because I convinced you to go traipsing around the world to play James Bond with me? Oh God.”

“Stop,” Sloane insisted gently, cupping Dex’s face. “Take a deep breath.”

Dex nodded, following Sloane’s tender order.

“That’s it. Just breathe. Now look at me.”

Dex did, his beautiful eyes filled with doubt. “We’re getting married next weekend, Sloane. Am I being a selfish prick?” His shoulders slumped, and he wrapped his hands around Sloane’s wrists. “You’re everything.”

“And you’re everything for me. Do you think I would have gone along with this if I didn’t think we were capable? If I didn’t think we were going to make a real difference out there? Baby, I have never seen anyone take to this as quick as you have. You’ve been working your ass off. Between picking out invites, working on assigned seating, getting fitted for tuxes, choosing a cake, and all the dozens upon dozens of wedding prep, you’ve been pushing yourself beyond anyone’s expectations. You’ve been training in combat techniques I’ve never even heard of, all of which you’re excelling at. I’m just blown away by how amazing you are.” He kissed Dex’s cheek and ran his fingers down Dex’s jaw. “Do you want to know what I think is happening here?”

“What?” Dex asked.

“I think you’re nervous about the wedding, you’re exhausted, and today’s session messed with your head.” Sloane brushed his lips over Dex’s. “This was good for us. It showed us what we need to work on, and I have no doubt that we’re going to rock this.” He let their heads rest together. “You, Dexter J. Daley, are an inspiration, and I’ll be right with you every step of the way when you go out there and show these guys how it’s supposed to be done.”

Dex pulled back, his smile stealing Sloane’s breath away. “You always make me feel like I can do anything.”

“Because you can.” Sloane believed it with every fiber of his being. There was nothing Dex couldn’t do. Sloane had never known a more fearless, strong-willed force of nature than the man in front of him, and Sloane was about to be officially tied to him for the rest of his life.

Dex shook his head with a soft laugh.

“What?” Sloane asked, nuzzling Dex’s temple.

“For some reason, I thought of that night not long after I joined the THIRDS. The one where I took your picture. You chased me all over Unit Alpha and we ended up in the parking garage next to a black SUV.” He nipped at Sloane’s chin. “You were so pissed, and then we got each other off.”

Sloane groaned. “God, I was such a fucking mess back then. I didn’t know whether I wanted to punch you or fuck you.”

Dex laughed. “Both. You definitely wanted to do both.”

“Seems like such a long time ago.” Had he changed that much? He’d been so angry all the time. “I was a real asshole to you, wasn’t I?”

Dex shook his head. “You were in a lot of pain.”

“That’s no excuse.” Sloane took Dex’s hand in his and brought his fingers to his lips for a kiss. “But thank you. Thank you for all your patience, for your smile, for taking a chance on a guy who thought he was too broken to ever know what real happiness looked like.”

“And now you know what it looks like?”

Sloane smiled. “Yeah. Looks like you.”

“You know what Ash would say if he were here?”

Sloane lowered his voice and did his best Ash impression. “You two are disgusting. I’m getting cavities just from breathing the same air as you.”

Dex threw his head back and laughed. “Oh my God, that was perfect.”

Sloane took advantage of Dex’s exposed neck and nipped at his skin. “You know what we should do tomorrow?”

Dex melted against Sloane with a moan. “Hump like bunnies?”

“After that. I think we should call the gang up and have a night out at Dekatria.”

Dex let out a dreamy sigh. “Karaoke, booze, and shenanigans. You know me well.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance