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Once she was gone, Dex turned to Hudson, speaking quietly. "I'm sorry you're in the middle of this fucked-up situation, and I can't say I'm happy about it, but I understand." He placed a hand on Hudson's shoulder. "I hate the guy. I won't lie. I really hate him. But he saved your life, and Seb's. He's done some things that could be perceived as not entirely shitty. I can't guarantee I won't beat the shit out of him or turn him over to the proper authorities, but I promise you, I won't kill him." Sloane huffed, and Dex chuckled. "And neither will Sloane," Dex added.

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"What?" Sloane shook his head, and Dex arched an eyebrow at him. Sloane threw his hands up. "Fine. I won't kill him." He narrowed his eyes. "But I reserve the right to cause him some serious pain."

Hudson nodded. "Fair enough." His brother had brought that on himself. All he wanted was a chance, a chance he never thought he'd have. "Thank you. Both of you."

Dex hugged him, and Sloane did the same, patting his back, a soft "I'm sorry" making him feel a little better about what his friends were sacrificing for him. Dex ordered him and Seb to go home, that they'd check on Lou and Bradley and see that the cleaning crew was let in to take care of Dekatria after TIN was gone.

Seb slipped his hand into Hudson's and led him out of Dekatria. A cab was waiting for them, and inside the car, Hudson snuggled close. He didn't even know where to start. How long had his brother really been around, keeping an eye on him, stepping in without him even realizing it?

"I think he saved me twice," Seb murmured.

Hudson held him close. "What do you mean?"

Seb paused, as if uncertain he should say, but a heartbeat later, he sighed. "The night of Dex and Sloane's engagement party, I was so pissed off when I left that I walked out into the middle of the street without realizing. I would have gotten hit by a speeding car if someone hadn't pulled me back. But whoever it was disappeared before I could get a look at them."

Hudson pulled back, his heart squeezing in his chest. "Oh God, what if you'd been hit by that car? It would have been my fault."

"No, baby." Seb cupped his cheek and kissed his brow. "It would have been on me. I let my anger cloud my judgment, and because of it, I put myself in danger. My actions are not your fault. Do you understand?"

Hudson nodded.

"I didn't tell you to upset you. I'm thinking that maybe the guy who pulled me back was Alfie. I think he's been keeping an eye on both of us. Things have happened that at the time I couldn't explain, so I just brushed them off. But now that I know he's been around, it all makes sense."

"So what are you saying?"

Seb was clearly trying to tell him something but appeared hesitant. "Look, I'm not excusing what the guy has done as Wolf or that he's a different person from who he was as Alfie, but maybe... maybe Alfie isn't completely gone. Maybe you're the only thing that's kept him from losing himself completely."

He had so much to think about, and he was far too exhausted for that at the moment, but Seb was right. Hudson had a chance to at least speak with Alfie, or what was left of him, and from what he'd witnessed, perhaps there was some hope for them.

ONCE THEY were in Seb's house, Hudson sat on the couch, with Seb dropping down beside him.

"So... where do you want to go on our honeymoon? Let's make it somewhere far, far away from here."

Hudson stared at Seb. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. When he opened his mouth again, only a laugh came out. Oh dear heavens, he'd lost his bloody mind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop laughing.

Seb pulled him close, his deep laughter warming Hudson's soul.

"Fuck," Seb said through a laugh, letting his head fall back against the couch as he ran a hand up and down Hudson's arm. "You couldn't make this shit up, Lobito."

Hudson straddled Seb's lap and cupped his face. His expression fell, and he stroked Seb's cheeks with his thumb. "We almost lost each other today. Let's not make this a habit, ay?"

Seb wrapped his arms around Hudson's waist, his smile falling away. "I don't think I've ever been so scared. Actually, that's not true. I was fucking beside myself when you were down in that elevator shaft, and in the hospital after you were shot. This time, though, all I kept thinking was that it was too soon. I'd only just gotten you back." Seb took Hudson's hand, the one with his wedding ring, and kissed it. "I wanted more time with my husband. So much more time."

Hudson kissed him, putting his heart and soul into the kiss, letting him know how much he loved him, how happy he was to be here with him, married to him, bonded to him. Their lives had gone from madness to lunacy, but as long as Seb was with him, it would be all right.

"I love you so much," he breathed against Seb's lips. He let his forehead press against Seb's.

"I love you too," Seb replied. "Whatever happens, whatever storms come our way, I will be here, holding your hand, facing it with you. Now let's go upstairs and consummate our marriage, Dr. Hobbs. I'll let you take my temperature with your big, thick thermometer."

Hudson slinked off Seb's lap and crooked his finger at him. "Before we play doctor, we have a couple of stag nights to make up for."

"Is that so?" Seb's smile turned sinful as he stood, his eyes filled with fiery lust. "How about I be the predator, and you be the stag?" With a feral growl, he scooped Hudson up and carried him toward the stairs.

Hudson wrapped his arms around Seb's neck, his heart overflowing with love for his mate, his husband, the man who owned his heart, and everything he was.

Always yours.

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Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance