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Seb slipped his hand around Hudson's waist, his frown on Alfie, who didn't seem put off by it. He held his hand out to Seb.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced, what with my being dead and all."

Seb looked confused. He hesitantly shook Alfie's hand. "Uh, nice to meet you. I think. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to feel here."

Alfie patted Seb's hand before releasing him. "Quite all right, mate. Thank you for taking care of my little brother. You're a good man." He turned back to Hudson, his expression softening. "I know this won't help, but you were never supposed to find out I was alive. It was safer for you. You would have gone on grieving the loss of a brother you loved and looked up to."

Hudson didn't know what to say or what to feel, for that matter. How long had he wished for things to be different, for Alfie to be alive, but how much of his brother remained in the man before him? Wolf had done so many terrible things.

"Of course, all my hard work protecting you has been undone," Alfie said, winking at Dex, "thanks to your friend here." He wagged his gloved finger at Dex. "I have half a mind to be cross with you, love, and I would be, if you weren't so blasted pretty."

"I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!" Dex launched himself at Alfie, but Hudson caught him. He was sorely tempted to let Dex have at Alfie, but he had too many questions that needed answers. Dex could dismember Alfie some other time.

"Dex, please."

Alfie took a step back and rolled his eyes. "You're not still sore at me, are you?"

"You tortured me!" Dex was practically vibrating with anger, his face crimson. Hudson worried Dex was about to give himself a heart attack.

"In my defense," Alfie stated smoothly, "I was getting paid ridiculous amounts of money for it. Also, I wanted to see if you were as impressive in person. I was not disappointed."

Dex's jaw dropped. "What? That's not--are you insane?"

"Here's a suggestion. How about we kiss and make up. Forget the whole nasty ordeal. I'll forget you hit me with a steel chair, and you forget, you know...." Alfie snapped his fingers as if trying to recall.

"The part where you tortured me?" Dex finished for him.

"Yes, that. It was the Makhai who hired me, by the way. In case you hadn't figured it out yet. What do you say?"

"Um, how about no, and kiss my ass," Dex replied through his teeth.

"I would prefer more private quarters for that."

Dex shook his head in disbelief. "Oh my God, he's like a British Austen."

"I think it's adorable you're comparing me to Sparks's little pet."

"Watch your mouth," Sloane growled.

Sloane's calm surprised Hudson, and he wondered if Sloane was simply biding his time or thinking up one of the many ways in which he could make "Wolf" suffer.

"Ah, so sorry, mate. I forgot you have a soft spot for the little runt." A wicked gleam came onto Alfie's face, one Hudson remembered all too well. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "No hard feelings about my kissing your fiance? I couldn't resist. Those lips are just sinful."

Sloane let out a growl as he made a grab for Alfie, but Seb held him back, a hand to his chest, his green eyes pleading.

"You've got to be kidding me," Sloane hissed, his amber eyes boring into Seb's. "That asshole tortured Dex!"

Seb looked to Hudson for help. He was clearly conflicted. Hudson was too. Instead of talking to Sloane, who was glaring daggers at Alfie, Hudson turned to Dex.

"Please, Dex. I know I have no right to ask this of you, but could I... could I please get some time with him? I'm certain he deserves your wrath, and what he did to you was reprehensible, but he's my brother. I lost him once. I can't lose him again. Not yet."

Dex cursed under his breath before rubbing his hands over his face and letting out a frustrated grunt. "Fine."


"It's fine, Sloane," Dex assured him, a hand to his cheek. "It's fine. There will be plenty of time to kick his ass later."

"It's not fine, Dex. The man tortured you. He was going to kill you." Sloane shook his head. "I'm sorry, Hudson, but I can't just turn the other cheek. Wolf might look like your brother, but whoever your brother was, he obviously died at the bottom of the cliff that day." Sloane's hard gaze moved from him to Alfie, and he spoke through his teeth. "That is not Alfie."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance