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Hudson's feet hurt from all the dancing, and his face was sore from laughing so much, but he kept going. Everyone was having such a wonderful time. He hadn't seen his friends in such good spirits in a long time. Dom asked Hudson to dance, and Hudson accepted.

"You have a very sappy smile on your face," Hudson commented, laughing when Dom blushed. He wasn't one to get bashful or sentimental.

"I can't help it. My boy's happy, and that's all I wanted for him. For you guys. He's nuts about you."

"I'll tell you a little secret." Hudson leaned in to whisper. "I'm rather fond of him too."

Dom chuckled and shook his head. "You two are such nerds. You belong together."

Hudson thought so too. "Thank you, again, for saving my life."

"Don't mention it," Dom grumbled. Hudson laughed, and Dom shook his head. "No, really, don't mention it. Your husband keeps giving me these funny looks since it happened."

Husband. Hudson certainly liked the sound of that. He glanced over at Seb, who was grinning wide at them.

"See?" Dom turned his gaze back to Hudson. "It's creeping me out, man."

Hudson laughed. "He's just grateful. Don't worry, I'm certain he'll be back to threatening you with imminent demise in no time."

"Good." Dom nodded curtly, as if the matter was settled. Hudson wondered if Dom knew how sweet he and Seb were, always griping and growling at each other, but the moment one of them was hurt or in trouble, they were fussing over each other like a couple of mother hens. It was adorable.

Soon Hudson had danced with almost everyone, and by the end of the evening, only Lou, Bradley, Dex, and Sloane were left. The sun was rising, and they all sat, each huddled with their sweetheart as the sky changed colors. Hudson stroked Seb's nape, his tie a casualty of a conga line gone terribly wrong. It started off well, but ended with everyone on their arses. Unsurprisingly, Dex and Ash were the culprits.

Lou and Bradley excused themselves, going off with the pretense of checking on things downstairs, but Hudson had a feeling they just wanted to get a little frisky now the festivities were over.

Seb stretched. He kissed the top of Hudson's head before getting up, his suit jacket long since removed and lying on the back of his chair. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the top buttons of his white shirt undone. Heavens, but he looked gorgeous. "I need to hit the little tiger's room. I'll be right back."

Hudson chuckled and smacked Seb's arse as he passed in front of him. Seb swatted his hand playfully, his grin wicked.

"Hey now. None of that until the honeymoon."

Hudson scoffed. "Who are you trying to kid, Sebastian? All I have to do is look at you and you'll drop your trousers."

Sloane laughed and jutted a thumb in Dex's direction. "Sounds like someone I know."

"Please," Dex said with a snicker. A mischievous gleam came into his eyes as he tapped the end of Sloane's nose. "You know you love it when I make you purr."

Sloane cleared his throat, his cheeks going rosy.

Seb laughed on his way to the stairs, and Dex turned to Hudson. "So where are you guys going on your honeymoon?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure. We haven't really discussed it. Perhaps a lovely cabin up in the mountains, where we could run in our Therian forms and get cozy in front of the fire. What about you two? Have you decided where you're going?"

"Somewhere in Europe," Sloane said before poking Dex playfully in his side, making him squirm. "Dex can't seem to make up his mind."

"Europe is a big place, man. Preferably somewhere we won't freeze our balls off."

Sloane nodded. "I agree."

They chatted about various places in Europe, and Hudson offered his opinion of the many cities he'd visited before moving to the States. Dex and Sloane seemed in agreement over the weather. They wanted to swim together, and Sloane wanted somewhere Therian-friendly.

Hudson glanced over at the door to the stairs. "I wonder what could be taking him so long?"

"He's a big guy," Dex said with a shrug. "And he did eat a whole lot of food. Just saying."

Sloane groaned, and Hudson blinked at him. "I'm... not sure how to respond to that."

"Welcome to my world," Sloane muttered before shaking his head at Dex, his amber eyes lighting up with amusement. "Babe, I don't think you and Hudson have reached that stage in your relationship." That earned him a playful punch in the shoulder. "I keep telling you. No one wants to discuss bowel movements with you."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance