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Hudson nodded. It was rather frightening, some of the stories being spread by those who believed Therians were the superior race. How if the THIRDS didn't exist, Therians would be running the world. How Therian agents were traitors.

"I actually jumped at the chance to be here, because some friends of mine from college moved to New York City a couple of years ago, and they keep trying to convince me to transfer," Trent said with a big smile.

On the ride to the restaurant Trent had picked, he told Hudson about his life in Philly, about his parents and sisters. Trent was enthusiastic, energetic.

"I love socializing, clubbing, good food, and...." He put his hand on Hudson's briefly. "Good company."

Hudson couldn't help his blush as he returned Trent's smile.

Trent had made reservations at a chic French bistro on W 44th Street. The decor was modern, with framed artwork of bicycles matching the red, black, and white hues. The wood-paneled walls and glowing orb chandeliers gave it a warm feel. They were asked for their jackets, and Hudson promptly removed his and handed it to the lovely attendant, who checked them in before an elegantly dressed cougar Therian showed them to their table. Hudson was pleasantly surprised when Trent pulled Hudson's chair out for him.

"Thank you."

The waiter arrived with their drink menus, and Trent looked up at Hudson from behind his menu. "Do you drink wine?"

"A little. I'm afraid I'm not very wine savvy."

"Lucky for you, I am." Trent gave him a wink. He smiled his dazzling white smile at the waiter and put in an order for a wine Hudson had never heard of and doubted he could pronounce. The waiter seemed very pleased. He bowed before taking off. They were soon brought some delicious-looking appetizers, at least until Hudson realized they were stuffed mushrooms.

"I hope you don't mind," Trent said, looking sheepish, "but I took the liberty of ordering us an appetizer. These are to die for." Something on Hudson's face must have given him away, because Trent winced. "You don't like mushrooms?"

Hudson shook his head. "No, it's not that. They look amazing. It's just... I'm allergic to mushrooms. I'm sorry. I should have said something."

Trent waved a hand in dismissal. "Totally my fault. I should have asked first. I'm sorry. I got a little carried away. I'll have them take it back."

"Nonsense. They look delicious. You should enjoy them."

Trent's brow furrowed. "Are you sure?"

"Of course." The waiter appeared just in time with a basket of sliced bread and some butter. "This is perfect."

"It's not too late to order something else."

Hudson waved a hand and smiled. "Believe me. I love freshly baked bread. Too much, actually." The sliced baguette was crunchy and warm and tasted fantastic with the imported butter; Hudson couldn't help but moan. "God, this is so good."

"Never thought I'd be jealous of bread."

Hudson blinked at him, half a bread slice in his mouth. "Hmm?"

Trent leaned forward, his voice lowered and a wicked gleam in his eyes. "I'm jealous it's the bread causing you to make that sound and not me."

Hudson almost choked. He finished swallowing and drank down almost an entire glass of water.

"You okay?" Trent asked, looking amused.

Hudson nodded. He didn't trust himself to speak. The wine arrived, and the waiter poured them each a glass, then left the bottle at the table. They put in their orders and continued to chat and eat after the waiter left. Well, Trent talked. Hudson ate his weight in delicious bread. He was going to have to put in twice the workout this week, but sod it. He was on a date. Bleeding hell, he was on a date! Calm down. People do this all the time. It's no big deal.

"Can I be honest?"

Hudson took a sip of his wine first. "Of course."

"I thought you were going to be kind of stuck-up."

"Oh?" Hudson cocked his head. "Why's that?"

Trent hesitated. He looked adorably embarrassed. "Well, I heard you come from this big, wealthy family. I kind of figured you wouldn't give me the time of day. I mean, you're this smart, handsome, rich doctor, and I'm some nobody from Philly." He met Hudson's gaze, his smile apologetic. "I kind of judged you before I knew you."

"It's all right," Hudson assured him. "Honestly it is. I left that life behind a long time ago. I was a poor fit from the start."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance