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Dex let out a snort of disgust before turning his attention to Seb. "Your partner's a jerkface."

Seb chuckled. "It must be my shower gel. I think it attracts them." He thanked Angel for his coffee and told Dex to get lost.

"I know you love me," Dex said in a singsong voice as he skipped off--literally skipped--to make mischief elsewhere. How Sloane kept up with that man was beyond Seb. He was already exhausted from the int


Ignoring the crazy around him, Seb got back to work on his report and enjoyed his latte. He'd just signed off on the first set of documents when he looked up at Dom. He narrowed his eyes. Why was Dom grinning? Dom leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head. Shit.

"What did you do?"

Dom waggled his eyebrows, and Seb's frown deepened. This wasn't good. What the hell had his asshole partner done now? Seb loved the guy, but sometimes he wanted to strangle him.

"Sebastian Hobbs!" a familiar voice demanded.

Seb's jaw went slack. "You didn't."

Dom's grin got bigger.

"You did! You narced on me?"

"Aw, are you mad?" Dom put a hand to his heart. "Well, tough shit. You brought this on yourself." Dom jumped from his chair, smiling widely as he patted Hudson's back. "Give 'im hell, Doc." He moseyed off, leaving Seb to face one very pissed-off Brit.

Hudson planted his hands on his hips. He had that narrow-eyed, thin-lipped glare on his face. Seb was very familiar with it. There was a time Seb could coax that stern frown away with a few strategically placed kisses. The good doctor wasn't easily deterred, but neither was Seb. He could be just as stubborn as his spirited little wolf. Especially when it concerned Hudson's happiness. Unfortunately, happy was not what Hudson was at the moment.

"I have half a mind to give you a right earbashing. Get in my office. Now."

Seb groaned. He waited for Hudson to turn around, but as Seb expected, Hudson didn't budge. He studied Seb, waiting. The man was too smart for his own good. Unwilling to show Hudson how right he was, Seb clenched his jaw, put his weight on his good knee, and stood. The only Therian more pigheaded than Hudson was Seb, and Hudson was well aware of it. Hudson turned, cursing under his breath, and Seb did his best not to limp as he followed him out into the bull pen.

The agents didn't bother pretending not to notice what was going on, and the majority of them looked on in amusement. Seb had a reputation for being a hardass, albeit a fair one. His fellow agents respected him for a variety of reasons. No one would dare challenge him, disrespect him, or fuck with him. Which was why they found this situation so damned entertaining. There was only one man in this building Sebastian Hobbs didn't stand a chance against. One sole little wolf Therian who could make him quake in his boots.

Hudson Colbourn.

The best part? After all this time, Hudson still had no clue the power he had over Seb. His Lobito simply was who he was, and in Hudson's eyes, Seb wasn't a tiger Therian who had one hundred and thirty pounds on him or stood a foot taller than he did. Hudson was the only Therian Seb knew who didn't tremble at Seb's roar. He wagged his tail.

"What are you smiling at?" Hudson scolded. "I'm very cross with you."

"I was just thinking about you wagging your tail." Crap. He probably shouldn't have said that.

Hudson stopped to gape at him. The few agents who'd heard Seb snickered. Poor bastards. Hudson turned his glare on them. It was pretty spectacular as far as glares went.

"Something you'd like to share, Agents?"

The huge Felid Therian agents stumbled and practically mowed each other down in their haste to get away. Seb pressed his lips firmly together to keep from laughing. For a sweet wolf Therian, Hudson could be pretty scary.

The elevator ride down to the forensics department was a silent one. Seb knew better than to make things worse by speaking. Once they arrived, he followed Hudson out and greeted the medical examiners and agents he passed. Most noticed Hudson first before giving Seb a sympathetic look, though he was pretty sure a few of those looks meant "better you than me."

As Chief Medical Examiner, Hudson's lab and office were the largest on the floor, taking up the whole end of the corridor. Although Hudson was part of Destructive Delta, his title and status meant he could oversee and take over any case in Unit Alpha. Sparks often had him working on several cases at once for various teams. They finally reached the last room on the right, Hudson's private office. Once inside, Hudson hit the security panel, and the door swished closed behind them. He turned to face Seb and folded his arms over his chest, one eyebrow arched before he spoke.

"Drop your trousers."

Chapter 2

SEB'S EYEBROWS shot up near his hairline. "Uh... okay."

This was starting to sound a lot like one of his fantasies, except in those Hudson didn't scowl at him. Seb unfastened his belt before pushing his pants down as far as he could--which turned out to be not very far--before he sucked in a sharp breath and straightened, catching Hudson's narrowed gaze. Seb's shirt allowed him some modesty by covering his groin and ass, leaving only the ends of his gray boxer briefs peeking out from under the hem.

Hudson stepped up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Put some of your weight on me."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance