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Seb handed Hudson a tissue, and Hudson laughed softly as he wiped his eyes. "Thank you, Sebastian. You don't know how much this means to me."

"I think I do," Seb said quietly.

Hudson closed the book, overcome with emotion. He didn't want to stain the pages with his tears. Seb had found a way to contact his sister and somehow got her to retrieve the album containing his and Alfie's pictures. It had been so long since Hudson had seen it. He gently placed it to one side, turned, and threw his arms around Seb, hugging him tight.

"You're an amazing man, Sebastian Hobbs."

Seb ran a hand tenderly over Hudson's hair. "You're pretty amazing yourself, Dr. Colbourn."

Hudson shook his head, unable to reply. He closed his eyes as Seb held him, stroking his hair and murmuring sweet words. When Hudson was certain he wouldn't turn into a blubbering mess, he pulled back, blew his nose on a clean tissue, and returned the album to his lap. The leather was pristine and sturdy, looking as though it had been purchased yesterday and not decades ago. He inhaled deeply and released a steady breath through his mouth before opening the cover.

"If it wasn't for your expressions, you'd look like twins," Seb said with a smile. He pointed to the small boy on the left with the shy smile. "That's definitely you."

Hudson studied the photo, his heart squeezing. "We looked very much alike when we were children. Both with the same thick, pitch-black hair and eyebrows, same blue eyes. We even smiled the same. When we hit our teenage years, I was still gangly and awkward, while Alfie grew into his body, sleek and muscular. I looked very much the science nerd I was, and Alfie looked as if he'd stepped off the cover of a magazine. Left a trail of broken hearts wherever he went." Hudson turned the page and laughed at the picture of them on a pony, Alfie with one hand tucked inside his waistcoat, the other pointing forward and his mouth open as if leading a charge. They'd been about ten years old at the time.

"Is your brother pretending to be Napoleon?" Seb asked.

Hudson nodded. "My father was livid. He'd b

rought in a ridiculously expensive photographer to take a picture of us for some society column, and every time the man tried to photograph us, Alfie would strike the most ridiculous pose. None of the photos were any use for the column. This was our nanny's favorite, which is why it made it into the album. She was the one who started this album for us."

Their parents couldn't be bothered with such a menial task. Having pictures taken and put into albums was the job of the house staff. In a way, Hudson was glad, because it meant the albums were filled with fun, very real moments rather than staged portraits intent on displaying their family's false perfection.

Hudson went through every picture with Seb, telling him stories of his and Alfie's shenanigans just before that particular photo was taken. Alfie and Hudson pulled funny faces, dressed up as pirates, as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, as bobbies, and knights, always acting out a scene for the camera. Hudson stilled at one picture he had completely forgotten about.

"Wow." Seb's voice was hoarse, and when Hudson looked up at him, he was surprised to see tears in Seb's eyes.


"Sorry." Seb wiped at his eyes and laughed at himself. "It's just, you can really see how much he loves you. The way he's looking at you."

Hudson smiled warmly. "It was at some posh banquet. I can't even remember what for. One of my father's associates was receiving another award or some such thing. I do remember Alfie had turned nineteen that day, so I was eighteen at the time. My father and I had a bloody great row the night before. He believed the banquet was far more important than his son's birthday, and I disagreed. I decided we'd celebrate Alfie's birthday at the banquet. We had so much fun ignoring everyone, dancing and being a couple of nuisances. We drank, ate nothing but cake. By the end of the evening, I was exhausted."

The photo was one of Hudson's favorites. He couldn't even remember who'd taken it. The two of them sat together on a bench, Hudson slumped against Alfie, his tuxedo tie undone, hair rumpled, and glasses sitting crooked on his nose. Alfie had his arm around Hudson's shoulders, holding him close as he smiled down at him. The adoration in his blue eyes was unmistakable.

"I miss him so much." Hudson blinked away his tears.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to bring you any pain."

Hudson closed the album, then put it to one side before launching at Seb and knocking him onto his back, kissing him. Seb didn't hesitate. He wrapped Hudson in his embrace and returned his kiss. Hudson slowed his kissing, taking his time in exploring Seb's mouth, showing him how much this gift meant to him, how much he adored Seb for his thoughtfulness, for just being him. When they came up for breath, Seb searched Hudson's gaze.


A smoke alarm went off somewhere upstairs, and they both started. Seb looked to the stairs before turning his attention back to Hudson, his expression torn.

"Go," Hudson said, his voice breathy. "I'm right behind you."

Seb gave him a quick, heated kiss before gently moving Hudson off him. He jumped off the couch, then ran for the stairs and took them two at a time.

With a shaky breath, Hudson straightened his clothes and raked his fingers through his hair. His glasses were somewhat fogged up, and he chuckled. Cleaning them on his shirt, he hurried upstairs. Smoke was coming from the kitchen, and Hudson ran in just as Seb placed a blackened roasting pan in the sink. It appeared to contain the charred remains of some kind of beef, possibly. He ran water on it before grabbing a dish towel and fanning the smoke alarm. Julia was on the verge of tears.

"I'm so sorry, honey. Your dad needed me, and it took longer than I thought, and now dinner is ruined."

Hudson gathered up Julia in his arms and kissed the top of her head. "There, there, darling. Nothing to fret over. It's still early. Seb and I will go to the market and pick something up. Then we can cook together. How does that sound?"

Julia wiped a tear from her eye. "I was going to surprise you with your favorite roast since it's your birthday, but...."

"Oh, Julia." Hudson squeezed her tight. "My being here with you means more to me than anything. Please don't fret."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance