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the question, as if trying to find the right words.

"Fuck it." Rafe met Hudson's gaze, his eyes intense. "Because you're a part of our family, always were. You're his home, Hudson. He's been lost since you left, and I don't want to see him in pain anymore. He deserves to be happy, and that'll never happen without you. He needs you. My family needs you. My mom misses the hell out of you. She's always asking about you. Ethan misses you, my dad--"

"Don't," Hudson pleaded, blinking back the tears in his eyes. "Please don't use Thomas."

"It's the truth. You may not want to hear it, but that's the way it is. We are your pack, Hudson. You walked away from us, and yes, I hated you for a long time for what I believed you were doing to my brother, but I think I also resented you."

Hudson was stunned. "For what?"

"For leaving. No one blamed you. Okay, I blamed you, but I was an asshole. My mom, dad, Ethan, Seb, none of them blamed you. They just wanted you home."

Hudson didn't know what to say. The Hobbs family had taken him in, a lone wolf without a pack in dire need of a family, of love. They'd embraced him from the moment they met him. Unlike his own family, who had looked down their noses at Seb, the Hobbs family had welcomed Hudson with open arms, despite knowing his family had cast him out. If anything, it made Julia more determined to show him how much he was loved. How could he have thought they'd not miss him?

Hudson studied Rafe, a man who for so long had been a source of grief for him. Unlike Seb and Ethan who looked so much like each other, sharing their father's pitch-black hair and bright green eyes, Rafe had his mother's chestnut hair and hazel-green eyes. His edges were harder, his expression stoic. Seb and Ethan had kind eyes, and despite their size, appeared gentle. Everything about Rafe radiated fierceness, which was why Hudson was caught off guard when Rafe reached across the desk, his palm up and his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. Even if you never forgive me, don't turn your back on Nina. Please."

Hudson had opened his mouth to reply when a knock at the door startled him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm looking for Dr. Colbourn."

"Yes?" Hudson asked. An agent he'd never seen before stood in his doorway. A handsome leopard Therian. Curious. The patch on his uniform stated Beta Ambush. "Can I help you?"

Rafe turned in his chair to look at their guest, his expression darkening. Hudson could only fathom that Rafe's walls were once again rising firmly into place. Why else would he scowl so deeply at the poor man?

"You're Dr. Colbourn?" The agent approached with caution, his gaze flickering to Rafe's name tape before he swallowed. He moved his gaze quickly back to Hudson and gave Rafe a wide berth as he approached Hudson's desk. Hudson smiled warmly at him.

"Last time I checked." Hudson stood and held out his hand. "And you are...?"

Rafe stood, and the agent almost jumped out of his skin. With a smile that could only be categorized as frightening, Rafe slapped a hand down on the agent's shoulder. "Agent Trent Carson on loan from Philly," Rafe answered, his voice a deep growl. "He's stepping in for Taylor." He leaned into Carson, his voice slightly lowered but still loud enough for Hudson to hear. "You made some first impression."

"Yeah, um, your brother Seb's quite the guy," Carson said, then cleared his throat. He winced when Rafe gave his shoulder a squeeze, then released him. Carson held out his hand to Hudson. "It's nice to meet you."

Hudson shook his hand. "Good to meet you, Agent Carson."

"Trent. Please. Call me Trent," Carson said with a smile, earning a scoff from Rafe.

What on earth was going on? Rafe shook his head. He turned to Hudson, his expression softening for a slip of a moment.

"I'll talk to you later, Doc." Rafe turned and gave Trent a hearty pat on the back before heading to the door, calling out behind him, "See you around, Carson."

Hudson blinked after Rafe, wondering what that was all about. He turned a questioning gaze to Trent, who simply shrugged, a lopsided grin on his handsome face.

"New-guy syndrome. You know how it is."

Hudson chuckled. "Welcome to Unit Alpha." He resumed his seat and motioned to the chair in front of him. Trent shook his head.

"I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself since we'll be working together. I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh?" Hudson's smile faltered, an old habit he had trouble breaking after years of hearing his name whispered around the office. He braced for a pitying look.

"Yeah, heard you're one of the smartest guys around here."

Hudson let out an indelicate snort. "Someone's been filling your head with nonsense. I'm extremely good at my job, but I'm hardly one of the smartest around here."

"You seem to have done pretty damn good for yourself."

There was no mistaking the implication, and Hudson had grown weary of these games years ago. "You mean for a marked Therian lacking his mate?"

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance