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"Destructive Delta?" Trent let out a whistle. "I heard they've got a track record for kicking ass and taking names."

"Yeah, just don't get too close, or you'll get your ass kicked. Those guys don't mess around. Well, one of them does, but that's a whole other story." They walked through the bull pen, and Seb pointed to the office behind his. "That's Taylor's office, so you'll be working with your partner from there."

"Is that Sloane Brodie?"

Seb followed Trent's gaze to the end of the hall where Sloane leaned against the wall next to his office talking to Dex. Seb nodded. "That's him."

"I can't believe the guy got blown up and lived."

"Sloane's a survivor." Seb admired that. Sloane had been dealt a shitty hand from the start, and over the years, it seemed like bad luck had a hard-on for him, yet Sloane kept fighting. He put one foot in front of the other and kept wading through the shit, grief, and darkness determined to bury him until he made it through to the other side. "Want me to introduce you?"

"Yeah, wow, thanks, man. So, uh, what does it take to lead a Team like Destructive Delta?"

"Besides a nifty little piece of paper confirming you're certifiably insane? Retirement." It took a special kind of crazy to lead Destructive Delta. Seb loved his job, loved being a Team Leader, but lead Destructive Delta? Hell no. Being their driver had been a tough gig, and that was before Dex, before all the relationship drama or the nutjobs crawling out of the woodwork. Seb mis

sed his teammates, working with his baby brother, and his BearCat, but they were all where they were supposed to be now. Plus, Ethan had quickly stepped in, taking over the BearCat's care. He loved that damn truck as much as Seb had.

Trent looked confused. "I don't get it."

"Destructive Delta has only ever had one Team Leader." Seb motioned to Sloane, who laughed at something Dex said. "They're also his family, so anyone looking for an in not only has to earn his trust and approval, but prove they'd be a good fit for his family."

Trent shrugged. "All teams are tight."

"No, I mean they're actually his family." Seb stopped walking and nodded over to Dex. If Trent was going to survive backing up Destructive Delta, he needed to know. "See that guy he's talking to?"

Trent nodded. "He looks kind of familiar. I think he's been on the news. Shit, he's pretty."

"Yeah, keep that to yourself. That's Dexter J. Daley. Remember that name, because if you fuck with him, you're finished. He's Sloane's partner, fiance, and mate."

Trent's eyes went wide as saucers. "Fuck."

"Yeah. Dex's little brother is Cael Maddock."

"Wait. Maddock? As in Sergeant Maddock?"

Seb chuckled at the horrified look that crossed Trent's face. "Yep. He's their dad. And Cael's boyfriend is Ash Keeler, Sloane's best friend. They're more like brothers, actually. Grew up together. Letty is Ash's partner. Rosa is Letty's best friend and Cael's partner. Then there's my brother Ethan, who Dex is a little protective over. Even if he wasn't my brother, you'd have Ethan's boyfriend, Calvin, to deal with."

Trent braced a hand against the wall. "Shit. They told me I'd be providing backup, but.... Shit."

Clearly no one had told Trent what he was getting into with Destructive Delta. Seb clapped him on the shoulder.

"You'll be fine. Just don't piss Sloane off. Or Ash. Or the girls." He went thoughtful. "Don't piss anyone off. They're pretty laid-back and get on with most everyone, so you shouldn't have a problem."

Trent breathed in deeply. "Right."

Seb headed toward Sloane and Dex, with a somewhat pale Trent following along.

"Hey, guys." Seb smiled when the pair turned in his direction. "This is Agent Trent Carson. He's stepping in for Taylor while he's on leave."

Trent's smile couldn't get any wider as he shook Sloane's hand. The guy obviously had a little hero worship going on, despite his newfound terror. "It's an honor to meet you, Agent Brodie. I've heard so many great things about you and your team. You're a real inspiration. Please, call me Trent."

"Thanks, Trent. Just doing our jobs," Sloane replied with a smile. "This is my partner, Dexter J. Daley."

"Call me Dex," Dex replied with a bright smile, taking Trent's hand.

"Nice to meet you. Uh, wow." Trent stared into Dex's eyes and took a step closer. "You're.... Wow."

Seb groaned internally. What part of mate did Trent not understand? Come on, pal, you gotta be stronger than this. The rest of their unit had had time to adjust to Dex's mark, plus everyone loved the guy. Whether they were pulled in by his charm, amused by his antics, or preferred his company in small doses, everyone had his back. Also, not one agent in Unit Alpha was stupid enough to challenge Sloane Brodie or the backup that came with him. Everyone respected Dex and Sloane, and they were more than aware Dex was off-limits, no matter how much Dex's scent and mark tried to screw with their Therian halves. It took discipline but wasn't unachievable. Trent was obviously finding it hard to resist. Seb wondered if the guy was even trying, considering the way he began to stroke Dex's hand with his thumb.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance