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Ash gave him a humorless smile and a salute. He was pissed at Sloane, but Dex had no idea why. No, that was a lie. He was most likely pissed he was finding out now with the rest of the team. Ash undoubtedly believed Sloane had been keeping this from him. After all, Sloane had an opportunity to tell him at the bar last night. Dex didn't blame Ash. It was a lot to take in.

"So?" Dex asked, taking a seat on the floor next to Sloane when he resumed his seat in the singular bench across from the team.

Calvin shrugged. "So what?"

"That's it?" Dex blinked at him.

"What, you want us to throw you a fucking party for getting yourself mutated?" Ash let out a snort. "Like we should be surprised. If shit like this was going to happen to someone, it was going to happen to you. We're not stupid, Dex. We knew something was up, but it's not our place to butt into your business. I figured we'd find out eventually." He glanced at Sloane. "Some of us expected to know a little sooner, but whatever."

"It's not his fault," Dex said, his hand returning to Sloane's. "We barely understand it ourselves. I know I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I wanted to talk to you all together. Cael and my dad just found out last night."

Cael chirped. He limped over to Dex with his bandaged paw, and nuzzled his face against Dex's. Dex ruffled his brother's fur. "I love you too, Chirpy."

"We should get back to HQ," Sloane prompted, and Rosa seemed to shake herself out of it before nodding and heading back to the front of the truck. Cael stayed next to Dex, the truck awkwardly quiet with everyone lost in their own thoughts. Was this how it was going to be? What were his friends thinking?

"It's James."

Dex frowned at Calvin. What the hell was he--"Wait, Dimples?"

Letty groaned and dropped her head into her hands.

"I don't get it." Had Dex missed something? "That's a pretty common name."

Calvin's lips quirked on one side. "Yeah. Captain James Kirk

is pretty common."

"Oh my God!" Dex's loud gasp resounded through the truck. He put a hand to his chest. "Don't play me, Cal. Are you telling me his name is James Kirk and he's a captain?"

"He was a captain in the Army. His mom was a huge Star Trek fan."

Dex jumped to his feet, and Sloane grabbed his leg to steady him as he punched the air. "Holy shit, Dimples the Firefighter is Captain James Kirk. This has made my fucking year!" Dex pulled away from Sloane and wedged himself between Calvin and Letty, ignoring his team's curses at being squished together. He was smiling so big his face hurt. Unable to help himself, he put his chin on Letty's shoulder as he talked to her.

"Please tell me he named his car the USS Enterprise. When he slides down the firepole at work, does he say 'Beam me up, Scotty'? Do you call him Captain Kirk or just Captain? Does he own any gold shirts?"

Letty shrieked and tried to dismember Calvin from the other side of Dex. "I'm going to kill you, Summers!"

Dex laughed his ass off as Letty tried to get to Calvin, who was trapped by not only his seatbelt, but Hobbs next to him pinning him to Dex.

"I have so much material, I don't even know where to start," Dex said. This was the best news he'd heard all day--no, all month. With a contented sigh, he pushed himself off the bench. Calvin was practically on Hobbs's lap as he tried to get away from Letty. The more Calvin pushed away from her, the more Hobbs shifted, and the more Ash got crushed. He cursed them all out, threatening them with imminent demise if they didn't stop.

Dex took a seat behind the security console and met Sloane's gaze, giving him a wink. Sloane smiled and shook his head at him. For the first time in what seemed like forever, things felt... normal.

Once they'd arrived at HQ, they handed Juarez and Turner over to agents who would assist with PTSC before getting them booked and ready for interrogation. Rosa helped Cael with his PSTC, and when he was strong enough to walk, she rebandaged his hand. Destructive Delta headed up to the canteen so their Therian teammates could refuel and consume the protein needed for proper Postshift Trauma care. They had time before Juarez and Turner would be ready for questioning, and as eager as Dex was to grill the assholes, he was starving. In the canteen, he ordered a Therian-sized meal. No one batted an eye as Dex took a big bite out of his burger.

"Do I really eat that much?"

"Why don't you finish chewing your small cow before asking another stupid question."

Dex flipped Ash off. He finished chewing and swallowed before speaking. "I mean before, you know. Did I really eat that much that no one's surprised I ordered a Therian-sized meal?"

"It's not the first time you've ordered one of those," Cael reminded him. "You just never finished it before. No one's going to sit and watch you eat all that."

Still, Dex would have to be mindful of how much he ate in one sitting. At least in public. There was only so much he could play off as his usual healthy appetite. Dex chewed on another handful of fries until Hobbs drew a box shape with his fingers. Dex almost choked from a snort. Sloane patted his back as he coughed into his hand.

"Very attractive," Ash muttered.

"Bite me," Dex wheezed, before downing half a bottle of water. He shook his head at Hobbs. "Seriously, dude. You couldn't have waited until I was done eating?"

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance