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"No matter how much I go over it in my head, no matter how many reasons I can come up with, it doesn't add up."

"What doesn't add up?"

"You being okay with Sparks and your dad."

Dex didn't reply. He didn't move, didn't blink. Sloane sat up. He snapped his fingers, and Journey came floating through the speakers. They'd been assured that TIN no longer had them under surveillance--it was one of Dex's many prerequisites--but just in case....


Glowing amber spread from Dex's pupils, absorbing the pale blue. It was both beautiful and frightening. Sloane could see Dex clearly in the dim lighting, just like he knew Dex could see him.

"You're not okay with it, are you?"

Dex sat up, his expression cold. "She's up to something, Sloane. Why now? I know it's been a few months, but they've been partners for decades, and now she's suddenly developed feelings for him?" Darkness clouded Dex's eyes, and Sloane swallowed hard at his partner's conviction. "I can deal with her fucking with me, but the moment she fucks with my family, she's crossed a line. If she does anything to hurt my dad, to hurt Cael, I'll fucking bury her, Sloane. I don't give a shit who or what she is, I will make her pay."

"Shit." Sloane ran a hand through his hair. "It's too much of a coincidence, I'll give you that. But do you really think she's playing Tony? I mean, I know she's done a ton of fucked-up shit, but Tony?"

Dex let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know. I'd like to think that she does feel something for him. We'll just have to keep an eye on her and my family."

"Does Cael know?"

"Not yet. I think my dad knows Cael's not going to take it well. After everything she's put us through? He hasn't even addressed what's happened to me yet."

Sloane didn't like the sound of that. "That can't be good."

"I didn't want to push." Dex frowned, and Sloane could tell he was trying his best not to get emotional. "He'd just been shot, and I'd done enough."

"Hey." Sloane lay down and brought Dex with him. He brushed Dex's hair away from his brow. "You didn't bring any of this on yourself, and quite frankly, the way you've handled all this is incredible. You could have broken under the pressure of all the shit that's landed on you since you joined the THIRDS, but you not only survived, you thrived." He cupped Dex's cheek. "You're a strong, gorgeous, smart, amazing man, Dex."

Dex's eyes got glassy, and he blinked the tears away. He let out a soft laugh. "You're just saying that because you're marrying me."

"No, I'm marrying you because you are all those things, and I love you. It'll all work out. You'll see."

"Thank you." Dex snuggled up close to him, and Sloane kissed the top of his head.

Sloane held Dex and closed his eyes. As he faded off to sleep, he prayed that fate wouldn't prove him a liar.

Chapter 5

SO MUCH for training.

Dex had actually been looking forward to it. Training was the perfect opportunity to find out more about his abilities. Not to mention finally tell the rest of their team about it. He couldn't help his nerves. A part of him was excited to discover what he was capable of, to push himself to his limits and beyond. The other part of him was a little scared. Which was stupid. Destructive Delta was family. They'd been through so much together. Deep down, he knew none of his friends would look at him any differently. In truth, what worried him most was breaking the news to them about TIN. Their team wouldn't understand, and rightfully so, considering TIN's track record with Destructive Delta, so it would be up to Dex to help them understand.

There was still so much he didn't know about the changes inside him. Not even TIN could tell him. All he got from them was a bunch of nerd-talk and science-speak that basically translated to "You won't know what you can do until you do it."


He blinked, realizing Sloane had been talking and he hadn't heard a word.


Sloane's brows drew together in concern, but Dex gave him a reassuring smile. Fuck, he had to pull himself together. They were going into Greenpoint. That was not the place to lose his head, or he might actually lose his head. He instinctively pressed down on his tactical helmet. Yep, still there, snug and secure.

"As I was saying," Sloane continued, holding his tablet up with the mug shots of two male Therians. "Juarez and Turner are considered lethal. An eyewitness has confirmed these were the Therians they saw maul fellow gang member Dowling to death last Tuesday evening. Juarez is a jaguar Therian, and Turner is a lion Therian. Rumor has it Dowling was feeding information to the THIRDS. Although Unit Alpha has several informants working the gangs, Dowling wasn't one of them."

"So someone was either trying to get rid of Dowling by spreading the rumor," Ash pitched in, "or Juarez and his friend wanted to get rid of him and this was the perfect opportunity."

"Correct. Themis has been running algorithms for days, and it finally got a hit. According to Recon, these two are hiding in Greenpoint."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance