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“Dex was taken by tho

se responsible for his parents’ murder.”

Calvin stood stunned. The rest of his team was no better off. How was that possible?

“Wait, what?” Calvin shook his head. “Dex’s parents weren’t murdered. They were caught in a shooting that broke out in the movie theater they were at during their date night. Right?” That’s what Dex had told him. Would Dex have lied? No, Dex wouldn’t have lied about something like that.

Sparks tapped Sloane’s hand, and reluctantly Sloane released her.

“That’s what everyone has been led to believe, but the truth is, Gina and John Daley were there to meet with someone. Before the meeting could take place, they were killed.”

Cael sank down onto the floor across from Sparks. “I can’t believe this. They were murdered?”

None of this made any sense to Calvin. “Why would they take Dex now? I mean, his parents were killed when he was just a little kid.”

“That’s a good question. We believe Gina Daley had something in her possession before she was killed. Something important. It was possible she was going to pass this information on to whoever she was meeting. However, there was nothing on her at the time of her death.”

“That doesn’t answer why now,” Ash said. “Why, after all these years, are they making a move on Dex now?”

“We’ll have to ask Shultzon.”

Sloane threw his hands up. “What the hell does Shultzon have to do with any of this?”

Sparks stood, her steel blue eyes meeting Sloane’s. “Shultzon is the one who ordered the hit on Dex’s parents.”

An icy chill went up Calvin’s spine. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. And here he’d hoped they’d heard the last of that son of a bitch. Ethan grabbed Calvin’s hand and squeezed. The entire room was silent.

“I hope your team is ready, Sloane,” Sparks said as she headed for the door. “You’re going to have to be if you want to get Dex back alive.”

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