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“You better get dressed before Dex shows up.”

Ethan blinked at him before bursting into laughter.

“I’m glad you find that funny. He’s already caught you once with your pants down.”

Ethan stopped laughing and nodded somberly. He stood and pulled on his underwear before taking his pants from Calvin. As soon as he was dressed, they headed upstairs to the canteen so Ethan could have his favorite Therian-sized burger, cheese fries, and strawberry milkshake. As they took a seat, Sloane slid in next to Calvin.

“Hey, Cal.”

“Hey. Are you looking for Dex, because I haven’t seen him since the locker room,” Calvin said, pilfering one of Ethan’s fries. Ethan narrowed his eyes, but Calvin knew he didn’t mind. Of course, he wouldn’t recommend anyone else try it. Not unless they wanted to lose a hand.

“Yeah, I know. Sparks called him into her office to discuss his training schedule. I figured it was the perfect chance to come see you.”

“Everything okay?”

“Are you designing his tattoo?”

“Um….” How did Sloane know that? Then again, Dex had seemed interested in their tattoo discussion that night at Dekatria when Bradley brought it up.

“Never mind,” Sloane said waving a hand in dismissal. “I know you are. Dex isn’t exactly subtle. Anyway, when the design is finalized, could you show it to me?”

“Well, he’s got his heart set on surprising you.” This meant a lot to Dex. Calvin didn’t want to do anything to disappoint his friend, even if it was Sloane asking.

Sloane seemed to think about it. “Okay, how about this. When you finalize the design and you know exactly what he’s going to get, can you let me know? Not what it is, just that he’s set on something. I want to run something by you.”

Calvin nodded. “Sure. I can do that.”

“Thanks, man.” Sloane clapped him on the back as he stood. “Don’t tell him I spoke to you about it.”

“Got it.”

With a wink at Calvin and a wave at Ethan, Sloane was off. Calvin shook his head in amusement. Those two belonged together. They were each as crazy as the other. Calvin had an idea what Sloane wanted to run by him, and he was looking forward to it. It was sweet, how in tune they both were.

Ethan stuffed a couple of fries in his mouth before running a hand over his arm.

“Yeah, in the showers before you and Sloane showed up, Dex asked me if I’d design him a tattoo. Something special for Sloane. You should have seen the way his eyes lit up when he talked about it.”

Ethan smiled that dopey grin of his and made a heart shape with his fingers. Calvin chuckled. “Yeah, those two have got it bad.”

Calvin chatted as Ethan finished his colossal meal. They were on their way back to their office when Dispatch put out a call for a Threat Level Orange. A shitload of teams were called in, including Destructive Delta. There was a demonstration that could possibly turn hostile. Calvin and Ethan hurried toward the armory to find the rest of his team already there, including Maddock. They suited up in full tactical gear while their sergeant filled them in.

“All right, team, the HPF and the THIRDS have been monitoring a small group of protestors, which has now tripled in size. The HPF will also be on scene, as there are some Human citizens protesting along with Therians. No feral Therians yet. We’re going in for crowd control. You know the drill. Firearms stay in the truck, nonlethals only. Grab your batons. Letty and Ash will have the control rounds.” Maddock turned to Ethan. “Hobbs, the second you see things are turning ugly, you get in the truck and shift. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but if it does, maybe a couple of roars will get them to back off. Cael, you’re running surveillance. Rosa, keep your medical kit on hand. Dex, I want you up front and monitoring the situation. Everyone be safe, and let’s try and do this as low-key as possible.”

Calvin secured his baton to his utility belt, when he caught Sloane’s gaze. “Everything okay?”

Sloane looked uncertain. He turned to Maddock. “Sarge, maybe Calvin should sit this one out.”

Shit. Calvin closed his locker. “This isn’t a regular callout, is it?”

Maddock shook his head. “It’s about the Ruiz case, and that’s a negative on benching you. I already ran it by Sparks. She wants you out there. We can’t hide every time we make a tough call, or people will believe we don’t have the balls to stand behind our decisions. You’ve gotta be seen.” Maddock’s gaze was intense as he placed his hand on Calvin’s shoulder. “Whatever happens, remember you’re a damn fine agent, son. You keep this city and its citizens sa

fe, even if at times they don’t see it that way.”

Calvin nodded. Lately, it felt like those times were happening more often than not.

Maddock gave him a hearty pat before turning toward the parking garage. “Let’s move out.”

By the time they arrived at Times Square a huge mob had gathered. The majority were Therians, but there were Human protestors in the group as well. HPF was keeping its distance, but at least they were on scene. Beta Ambush and Theta Destructive were already there, with three more teams on the way. They stood close together between the US Armed Forces Recruitment Station and the HPF kiosk, visors down and shields in hand. Taylor and Seb approached Sloane. Seb’s expression was grim as he spoke.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance