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“Yeah, all right. Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” Ash grumbled. “Wait.” He stopped abruptly and reached into one of his pockets. “I have your winnings. Cal’s too.”

Ethan shook his head at Dex in disbelief. Wow. Couldn’t even make it forty-eight hours.

Dex didn’t bother to hide it. “I’m big enough to admit when I have a problem. Well, it’s not really a problem. I enjoy it too much for it to be a problem. I like having sex with my boyfriend. All kinds of awesome, sweaty man-sex.”

Sloane groaned and covered his face with his hand.

Ash handed Ethan his and Calvin’s money. “Yeah, they lost the moment we left the house.”

Ethan gaped at Dex.

“Pretty much the second we closed the door,” Dex admitted. “I tried to resist, but someone wasn’t playing fair.” He narrowed his eyes at Sloane.

“All I did was ask if he wanted to use the shower first.”

“Which is sexspeak for let’s do it in the shower,” Dex insisted.

“No. It’s regularspeak for do you want to use the shower first.”

His team walked off, with Sloane and Dex debating what Sloane had really meant, leaving Ethan once again on his own. With a sigh of relief, he returned to his desk. His butt had just hit the chair when Dex poked his head back in.

“Dude, no, seriously, let me know if they have the chaps. Sloane’s a Therian thirty-four long. Make sure they’re ass-less.”

“Make sure what’s ass-less?” Calvin asked as he walked into the office. He dropped his gaze to Ethan’s desk. “Did you have to bring the whole team in on this?”

What? Ethan shook his head vigorously.

Dex held a hand up. “Actually, it was my bad. I walked in and caught him off guard, and then everyone else showed up, and well, you’ve been around us long enough to know nothing ever goes the way you want it to with Destructive Delta.”

“Duly noted. Now you can get lost. Anyone breathes a word about this, and I swear I will snipe you.”

“Got it.” Dex saluted and spun on his heels, running into Ash. He peered at him. “What?”

Uh-oh. Ash looks happy. This can only mean one thing.

“One hour of complete and utter silence.”

“But you’ll be in your office. What’s the point?” Dex whined.

Ash’s expression turned wicked. “Actually, I’ll be bringing my tablet and sitting in your office while I do my reports. That way I can bask in your silence.”

“What?” Dex opened his mouth to reply, and Ash held a finger up.

“Starting now.”

Dex flipped Ash off with both hands repeatedly before heading off with Ash sauntering after him while whistling a jaunty tune. Man, his team was wei

rd. As soon as they were gone, Calvin came over to Ethan’s desk.

“So what were you looking at?”

Ethan motioned to the website. “Cael recommended it. They have experts.”

Calvin removed his smartphone from his pocket and placed it on the desk. He tapped his phone’s screen, and the website popped up. “I’ll check this out later.”

Their desks blinked, and a little pair of ruby slippers appeared on the bottom right.

“Uh, God. The Black Widow’s at it again.” Calvin tapped the icon, and Sparks’s face appeared on their board. She didn’t look impressed.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance