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“Sorry, Mom’s homemade chicken-and-dumpling casserole wins out over air itself. Seriously. There’s no keeping Ethan from my mom’s cooking.”

Dex’s eyes sparkled. “That’s right. Your mom cooks real southern food. Old-school recipes made from scratch, passed down for generations. Fried green tomatoes?”

Calvin sighed and took his phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen before placing it to his ear. “Hey, Mom. We got enough for two more? One’s a Therian, the other eats like one. Great. Thanks. Love you too. See you soon.” Calvin hung up and grinned as the elevator pinged. He motioned to the open doors. “After you.”

Dex and Ethan all but fell over each other trying to get in the elevator. Inside, Ethan gave Dex a shove. Calvin stepped in after Sloane.

“Yeah, a word of warning. Don’t get between Ethan and my mom’s dumplings.”

Ethan narrowed his eyes at Dex. I will bust your shit up.

Dex held his hands up. “I apologize for any disrespect caused while hungry. It’s not me. It’s my stomach.”

Ethan patted Dex’s shoulder, perhaps a little harder than necessary. Dex shook his head and chuckled. Good food and good company. Today was turning out to be a pretty good day after all.

Chapter Four

OH NO you don’t.

Ethan smacked Dex across the ass with a throw pillow, causing him to give a start. He turned to gape at Ethan.

“What? Why are you attacking me?”

You know what you did, and you were about to do it again. Ethan pointed at Sloane, who was bent over a box, organizing its contents. You were going to pounce, and then you’d both disappear to the bathroom for ages and leave me to move the heavy stuff.

Dex gasped, a hand going to his chest. “I don’t know what you’re insinuating. I was merely checking to see if my partner needed help.”

Ethan shook his head. The only thing you were checking was your boyfriend’s ass. Ethan grabbed a box and shoved it at Dex. He pointed to the other end of Sloane’s living room.

“But….” Dex pouted.

Yeah, nice try. That doesn’t work on me. He folded his arms over his chest and arched an eyebrow at him. Don’t make me carry your ass over there.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m going,” Dex huffed before stomping over to the bookshelf to start packing it up. Ethan shook his head. It was like babysitting two horny teenagers. Sloane straightened, his gaze landing on Dex. He took a step forward, and Ethan cleared his throat.

“Oh, hey. I didn’t realize you were there,” Sloane said, scratching his head. “Thought you, uh, left with the guys.”

Ethan shook his head. Nope.

Sloane shoved his hands into his pockets. “We’ve been at this all morning. You sure you don’t want something to eat? There’s leftover pizza in the fridge.”

Really? That’s the best you got? Ethan smiled brightly and pointed to the box behind Sloane. Get back to work.

“What are you, our chaperone? His virtue is way past being salvaged, just so you know. I’ve pretty much annihilated it.” Sloane wriggled his eyebrows before puffing up his chest, clearly proud of himself.

Ethan wrinkled his nose. That was way more information than I needed to know, but thanks.

“Hey,” Dex protested from across the room. “You’re as much of a slut for me as I am for you.”

Sloane let out a resigned sigh. “That’s true.”

Ethan rolled his eyes. Each of you is as bad as the other. He pointed to the box behind Sloane. Get to work, oh fearless leader.

With a pout, Sloane returned to his box, giving it a pitiful kick. Dex did the same. Ethan had started putting a box together when the front door opened and Calvin walked in. Oh thank God.

“All right, guys. We need to load up the van. Ash is double-parked. Rosa and Letty already unpacked the last load at Dex’s. They went for a coffee run.”

Sloane and Dex each grabbed one of the packed boxes lining the left wall and headed for the door. Calvin turned to Ethan with a smile.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance