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“Yeah, well, guess you and I can be stubborn assholes.” Sloane couldn’t stop the flutter in the pit of his stomach when he spoke. “We’re moving in together.”

Ash’s jaw dropped. “What?”

“Yeah, it was kind of a spur of the moment decision.”

“What are you going to do about your apartment? And work?”

“I don’t know,” Sloane replied with a sigh. “I’ll have to keep it for a while, move my stuff into Dex’s. We haven’t quite worked it all out. Austen says no one suspects anything at work, and I doubt anyone who isn’t a commanding officer would butt in. But they’re still working on all the reports from the grain terminal incident. We need to be extra careful at work. Especially since I kind of, sort of, maybe, definitely marked him.”

Ash’s eyes went wide. “You marked Daley? Holy fuck, Sloane.”

“I know.”

“This is serious shit.” Something occurred to Ash and he frowned. “That’s why Seb’s team went all feral while in their Therian forms back at the granary. They smelled it. Plus your scent’s all over him. Always is. That could be dismissed as your partnership, but now this? Fuck, man. You think people aren’t going to put two and two together? What were you thinking?”

Sloane’s expression became grim, and he met Ash’s concerned gaze. “I was thinking he’s mine, and I want everyone to know it.”

“Fuck. Sloane—”

“I know.” Sloane let out a heavy sigh. “Like I said. I don’t know what we’re going to do yet. Luckily I’m on leave for some time, so I can try and figure something out.”

“Sparks will break up the team.”

Sloane gritted his teeth. “There’s no way I’m going to let that happen.” He’d use whatever resource he possessed, whatever sway he’d earned himself over the years. “I’m not letting them touch my team.”

Dex materialized behind Ash and Sloane relaxed. Where the hell had he come from? Glancing over by the pool tables, he saw Rosa and Letty trying to catch Calvin with Hobbs looking on helplessly. Turning back to his partner, he held back a smile when Dex put his hands on Ash’s shoulders.

“You hurt my little brother, and I will spend the rest of my life annoying the ever living fuck out of you.”

Ash scoffed. “Too late.”

“Oh no,” Dex said with a hearty laugh. He came around and dropped himself into Cael’s seat, his grin evil. “You haven’t seen annoying. What you’ve experienced is your general grumpy displeasure toward my naturally charming and witty nature. Any attempts to purposefully annoy you were passing whims.” He reached out and took a tiny sword toothpick from the container and stabbed it into a cheese cube before leaning in, his voice low. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be asking for a transfer to Alaska, and even then it won’t be far enough from me.” He ate the cheese cube and waved the tiny sword at him. “I will become the thing your nightmares are made of.” With that, he stood and headed over to Sloane to give him a kiss when Sloane discreetly pushed him to one side, whispering hoarsely.

“Fuck me. I think your dad’s outside.”

“Say what now?” Dex straightened and turned. He let out a groan. “Man, it’s like he’s got radar or something.”

“Um…” Sloane’s concerned gaze shifted to Maddock’s hand. “Why’s he carrying a baseball bat?”

Cael gasped from somewhere behind him. “Dex! It’s Old Betsy!”

“Oh shit!” Dex’s hands went to his head. “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

“What the fuck is Old Betsy?” Ash asked, looking from Dex to Cael.

Lou headed for the door, and Dex cried out. “No! Don’t let him in—”

Dex’s warning came too late, and Maddock thundered in, an old wooden baseball bat in his hand. Sloane and Ash stood. What the hell was going on?

“I can explain,” Dex said, running in front of his dad, hands up.

“Dad—” Cael’s concerned plea was quickly cut off.

“I don’t want to hear a peep out of you or your brother.”

Shit. Had Maddock found out about the unsanctioned mission? He knew Maddock wouldn’t buy Cael getting hurt during a hockey game with the team. Shit, he’d somehow found out about the job. No wonder he looked so pissed off. If he knew Sloane had not only known about the job but allowed Dex to continue, he was dead. Didn’t matter. Sloane had said he would take whatever came their way.

“Sarge, I know you’re upset—”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance