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“Okay, we’ve got eyes and ears,” Cael said and handed them each an earpiece. They were exactly like the ones they used while on the job.

“These aren’t THIRDS issued, are they?” Dex asked.

Cael gave him an uninspired look. “Yes, Dex. I’m using standard THIRDS issued earpieces to do surveillance for an unsanctioned mission.” Well, someone got up on the snarky side of the bed this morning. Speaking of snarky, Ash had barely said a word since they’d picked him up.

“A simple ‘no’ would have sufficed,” Dex muttered at his brother while discreetly glancing over at his gruff teammate. Ash was sitting on the bench lost in thought. He sure as hell wished Ash was ready for this. The guy was providing Calvin backup along with Austen in case something went wrong. He turned back to the console’s screens showing the perimeter around the van, as well as Candy Bar. Being a Friday night, it was already getting packed. Using one of the sleek joysticks, he could switch between cameras, move them around, zoom in, and out. One of the cameras was directly across the street, allowing him to zoom right in through Candy Bar’s large front window to the bar and a portion of the seating area.

Austen clapped his hands together. “Okay, guys, let’s get this porno started.”

Dex heard Hobbs growl beside him. Let the fun begin.

“What do you think?” Calvin asked, holding his arms out at his sides.

“Sexy, but a little too neat. We need to scruff you up a bit. And you gotta lose the jacket.”

Calvin look

ed down at his jacket with a frown. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Too boy-next-door. Daley, give him your jacket.”

Dex removed his belongings from his leather jacket before handing it over to Calvin. It was a little longer on Calvin since Dex was taller but still looked good. Austen fussed with Calvin’s shirt collar, opening the top button and wriggling his brows.

“Seriously man, you need to get laid,” Calvin grumbled, slapping Austen’s hand away from his collar. Austen puckered his lips and blew him a kiss.

“You offering, Cal? Maybe a little dessert after dinner?”

“Can we get on with this?”

“I’m trying, man, but your hair’s like…. How the fuck do you get it to stay down?”

Hobbs let out a huff and nudged Austen aside. Well, it was a nudge for Hobbs. It all but sent Austen hurtling across the van. Austen didn’t seem bothered. He brushed himself off and took a seat behind the makeshift console while Hobbs straightened out Calvin’s clothes and ran his fingers through his bud’s spiky hair, giving it the right tousled look.

“Sexy and a stylist,” Austen teased Hobbs, “Is there nothing you boys can’t do?”

“For fuck’s sake, Hobbs. You gonna braid his hair next? Get on with it.” Ash got to his feet, ignoring Calvin and Hobbs’s glares while Cael leaned against the van’s wall next to the bench, pretending he wasn’t watching Ash, at least until he seemed to notice Ash’s face. He walked around the bench and stepped up to Ash, who stood stock still when Cael reached out to stroke his thumb over the small nick.

“What happened to your face?”

Ash touched his jaw, his hand partially covering Cael’s. “It’s nothing,” he replied quietly. “Just a scrape. Don’t worry, okay?”

A buzzer sounded in Dex’s head. Wrong answer. Obviously Cael was getting tired of Ash’s refusal to let him in. Dex could see it in his brother’s eyes, the way they turned from sparkling gray to steel. He pulled his hand back, swiped his messenger bag off the floor, and headed for the back doors.

“Fine. I’ve gotta go. I’ve got plans.”

“With Seb?” Dex asked.


“Seriously?” Dex motioned toward the console. “We’re in the middle of an undercover op, and you’re going to leave it to go on a date?”

“It’s not a date. Besides, he called this afternoon. What was I supposed to do? Call him up and say, ‘Hey, Seb, sorry I can’t make it. I’m with my brother helping him shake down a guy who’s part of your investigation, the same one we’re supposed to stay away from?’ I’ll call you tomorrow, Dex.” He grumbled a quick good-bye to the rest of the team before slipping out of the van. Refusing to let his brother walk away like this, Dex followed, catching up with him before he could disappear down the street. “Hey, hold on a minute.”

Cael stopped and turned, his cheeks flushed from anger. “What, Dex?”

“When did you stop talking to me? We used to tell each other everything.” His brother was always so cheerful, always smiling and sweet. Dex hated seeing him like this.

“We’re not little kids anymore. I’m not a little kid anymore.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance