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“Am I going to have to give you a time-out?”

Dex pouted. “No.”

“Besides, you’re wrong about the gummy bears.”

“But they’re right here on the list.”

“Who else do you know who loves gummy bears as much as you do?”

Dex thought about it. “No one loves gummy bears as much as I do. I’m not ashamed to say I used to steal them from Cael when we—Oh.” Now Dex felt even worse. “He buys them for Cael.” Why did the guy have to be so damned nice to Cael? It would have made this so much easier if Ash treated his brother the way he treated everyone else. Instead he bought Cael his favorite snack.

Sloane nodded and resumed his seat. He studied the screen, his expression turning somber. “Looks like the last time he bought gummy bears was six weeks ago.”

“When he started acting like even more of a douche. What am I going to tell Cael? I feel shitty for having lied to him about last night.” After Sloane and Dex had cleaned themselves up, they’d headed back to HQ where Dex had lied to his dad during his debriefing. He’d explained how he’d gotten lost in the Con Ed Plant chasing after a Coalition member and ended up knocked out. When he woke, he was dazed, couldn’t find his team, and somehow made it home. His communicator’s signal was likely scrambled while he was in the plant surrounded by dozens of buzzing high-voltage units.

“Hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of this, and you can tell him the truth. Speaking of, I need Cael to forward me his reports on Cristo and set up some additional algorithms. Now that we know he was with the Order, I want to know why he ended up executed and why the Coalition would want him dead.”

“I’m going to swing by his office, see how he is,” Dex said, getting up from his chair. “I’ll ask him to send the info over.” Just as he said the words, Cael ran past their open door calling for Ash. Dex went to the door to peek out into the half-empty bullpen. Ash stopped and turned to Cael. The hairs on Dex’s neck stood on end, and he walked out of the office with Sloane on his heels.

“There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Cael said cheerfully.

“What do you want?” Ash snarled, causing Cael to flinch. His smile fell off his face, and he took a small step back.

“Sorry. I thought you might want to get a drink after work.”

“I’m busy.”

“Oh. What about tomorrow?”

“I’m busy tomorrow and the next night and the night after that. Find some kids your own age to play with.” Ash started to walk off when Cael grabbed his arm. Dex didn’t like where this was headed.

“What the hell? What’s going on? Why are you being such a jerk?”

“Because if you haven’t heard, I’m an asshole. You should have listened to your brother. I don’t want to fucking hang out with you, Cael. I’ve got adult shit to deal with that doesn’t include video games, pizza, and learning to shave.”

“Something’s wrong. You know you can talk to me,” Cael pleaded. “I’ve been worried about you.”

Ash jerked his arm out of Cael’s hold. “I don’t need you worrying about me. I’m a big boy. Worry about yourself. You’ve been slack lately. Your head up in the clouds.”

“Because I’ve been worried about you, you jackass!”

“I can handle myself fine. I’m doing my fucking job just like you should be doing yours. You’re going to get someone killed.” Ash poked Cael in the shoulder, and Dex took a step closer. What the fuck was Ash’s problem? And why was he taking it out on Cael?

“I know what I’m doing,” Cael snapped.

“No you don’t. It’s our asses on the line while you stay in the truck playing with your computers.” Ash let out a frustrated sigh and threw a hand up. “Fucking useless.”

“What?” Cael’s eyes grew glassy.

Dex had seen enough. He pushed himself in front of Cael and faced Ash. “What the fuck is your problem, man?”

“You and your pain-in-the-ass kid brother. I’m tired of dealing with your shit. This is a tactical team, not a fraternity. All the shit that’s going on ou

t there has reminded me of why I’m here. And it’s not to babysit the Wonder Twins. The simple fact is I got bored of both your shit.” Ash made the mistake of getting up in Dex’s face.

Dex landed a hit square across Ash’s jaw. The large Therian reeled back, caught off guard by Dex’s punch. With a fierce growl, Ash threw a hook that Dex ducked under. He pulled back a fist only to have Cael latch onto his arm and yank him back.

“Dex, stop!” Cael ran in front of Dex, but it was Ash Cael was protecting.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance