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“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Yeah, because it would have clearly gone so well.” Lucky for him, Ash didn’t deny it.

“How long?”


“There’s an unofficially?” Ash made to sit down on the bed, took in the rumpled state then seemed to think better of it. “Is there anywhere in this room where you two haven’t done it?”

Sloane pointed to the armchair. “There. It’s usually where we throw our clothes.”

Ash walked over and dropped himself onto it. The room went quiet. Just when Sloane thought the silence was going to drive him crazy, Ash spoke up. “Well?”

“It started off as sex. Lots of sex.”

“I don’t want to be reminded of what you two were doing before I got here.” Ash reached behind him, grabbed Sloane’s T-shirt, then tossed it at him. “So now it’s not just sex.”

“Hasn’t been for a while.” Sloane slipped his T-shirt over his head and walked over to the bed to sit down.

“When did it stop being about sex?”

“Months ago.” Sloane shrugged. “I wasn’t ready to admit it.”

“Then it’s serious. You’re serious about him.”

Sloane nodded.

“He’s a fucking jackass.”

“Don’t,” Sloane pleaded. “You’re my best friend, Ash, and next to him, the only other family I have. Please.”

“Shit. You really care about him.”

“Yeah, I do. I know he annoys you—”


“But I’m happy with him. I didn’t think I’d get another chance after Gabe.”

Ash averted his gaze and seemed to get lost in his own thoughts for a few heartbeats. Sloane held his breath. It was difficult enough at work with Ash and Dex always at each other’s throats. What would it be like now that Ash knew? He couldn’t believe their cover was already blown. Their secret was quickly becoming not so secret.

“He really makes you happy?”

Sloane didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

Ash went pensive once again. “I’m not going to be nice to him ’cause he’s your boyfriend.”

Sloane held back a smile. “Nothing has to change.”

“It already has.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“You and Daley?” Ash gave a snort.

“Stupid question?”

“Doesn’t matter what I think. What matters is that you’re happy. Just be careful. I don’t think I need to tell you what’ll happen if this shit gets out. I don’t want them transferring you.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance