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“I think we both know you were never in danger of getting suspended. However unorthodox your methods are at times, you get results. You always do. The Chief of Therian Defense knows it too. He’s very impressed with you.”

Sloane couldn’t help his surprise, considering he’d all but implied the guy was a jackass over the phone with him. “Is that so?”

“You did an exceptional job, Sloane. Not only did you retrieve Dr. Shultzon, but you also rescued your partner and eliminated the threat without the loss of any civilians or officers.” She tilted her head to one side, her penetrating gaze never leaving his. What wasn’t she saying?

“I had no choice.” His gut tensed. He knew her well enough by now. She was searching for something. Then it occurred to him. “Wait. What exactly is at question here? My order to neutralize the threat or the motive behind it?” And why the hell was it coming so late? He’d followed all the required protocol at the time. Given his statement, filled out the report, passed his eval, and even saw his THIRDS appointed psychologist, which was customary after a shooting that resulted in loss of life.

Sparks shrugged. “I think you stopped a very dangerous Human who hurt a lot of innocent citizens as well as two of your partners.”

It was best he ignore her statement on Isaac hurting his partners. She knew damn well Isaac had done more than hurt them. Actually, now that he thought about it…. “My partner and Dr. Shultzon wouldn’t have been put in danger if the THIRDS had been honest about the status of the facility. You said it was no longer in use.”

“That was the information I had at the time. We discussed this during your briefing, Sloane.”

“Yes, and I wasn’t given any answers then either.” Much like he wasn’t getting any answers now.

“I’m afraid I can’t give you any more information. All you need to know is that the facility has been permanently decommissioned. Everything has been either shipped out or destroyed. The building is under lease.”

“And the drug?”

Lieutenant Sparks met his gaze head on. “None of your concern. You’re a Defense Agent. Your responsibility is to your team and the citizens of New York City. Anything you need to know, you will be informed of.”

Sloane kept his mouth shut. He should have known he wouldn’t get any answers. “You’ll have to forgive me, Lieutenant, but I’m not sure why you’ve called me in here.” It clearly wasn’t to see how he was doing.

“This organization was built on agents like you and Agent Keeler. You don’t shy away from making the tough decisions. You do what needs to be done.”

Sloane was confused. Why was she telling him this? He opened his mouth to ask as mu

ch when she stood, straightened out the jacket to her pantsuit, and motioned to the door.

“Thank you, Sloane. That will be all.”

What the hell? Sloane stood and gave her a nod. He headed for the door when she stopped him.


He turned to face her and was taken aback by what he saw. The pupils of her deep blue eyes were dilated, making them almost appear black. Her piercing gaze and icy demeanor sent a chill through him despite the smile on her face. It was the look of a Felid who’d been to hell and back. He might not know all that much about Lieutenant Sparks’s past, but something told him the two of them weren’t all that different. Sparks had her demons, and for reasons unknown to him, the death of Isaac Pearce seemed to be holding them at bay. At least for a little while. Sloane knew too well how it felt.

“Between you and me, Sloane? We both know you could have taken Isaac Pearce alive.”

Sloane’s jaw muscles clenched. “Thank you for inquiring after my well-being, Lieutenant.” With that, he left the office.

Lieutenant Sparks had been trying to tell him something, and he’d figure out what it was. One thing he did know was that she wasn’t wrong. Like she’d said. He’d done what needed to be done, and that was the end of it.

Sloane walked into his office in a dark mood. At least until he saw Dex. He smiled at the serious frown on his partner’s face. It was strange how just the sight of him could lighten Sloane’s mood. Even when Dex was driving him out of his head. Sloane playfully flicked Dex’s ear, chuckling when his partner gave a start.

“For the love of Lucy, you’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.”

“Nope. Your fried Mars bar wrapped in bacon is going to do that.” He took a seat at his desk. That didn’t even earn him an acknowledgment. Whatever his partner had been lost in thought about was really bugging the man. Sloane had an idea what it was. “How’s Cael?”

“All over the fucking place because of that dickbag. I don’t know what the hell’s going on with him. Cael won’t talk to me about it.”

“Rosa’s been worried about them too.”

Dex sat back, his fingers resting on his stomach and drawing Sloane’s gaze to his partner’s lean figure. “Do you really think Ash believes all the bullshit he spouted about the Coalition?”

“You know Ash. He likes to stir things up.”

“I agree. But to think those guys are doing a better job than we are?”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance