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“Wow. How can I not drop my pants with a line like that?” Dex moved to get around Taylor, only to have his path blocked again. “Seriously? Let me rephrase my rejection so there’s no misunderstanding. I do not want to have sex with you.” He motioned to Taylor’s general personage. “I do not want anything of that, coming anywhere near any of this,” he said and motioned to himself. “No. Nyet. Nein. Nahi. Ni. Non.”

“You’re so adorable.” Taylor gave a snort and stepped up to Dex, cupping him through his jeans. Dex gave Taylor a harsh shove away from him. He stared, stunned as Taylor stumbled back. Was this guy for real? Why was there always that one asshole in every office who thought himself to be irresistible when he was really a giant douchebag? Taylor was one and then some.

“What the fuck, man? What part of back the fuck off did you not understand?”

“Please. I know a cocktease when I see one.”

“What?” Since when did not being interested in someone make him a cocktease?

“You think I don’t see the way you flirt around the office?” Taylor scoffed. “The way you flirt with Brodie? Admit it. You want that big dick up your tight little ass, but Brodie won’t give it to you. He’s too busy playing hero. Plus, he’s got that stick permanently shoved up his own ass, which must be hell on his sex life.”

“Stay away from me. I’m serious.” Un-fucking-believable. Dex turned to leave, only to have Taylor grab his arm. “I’m warning you, Taylor. I don’t give a fuck if you’re a Team Leader. You’re out of line.”

“How do you know you won’t like it if you don’t try it? You know what they say. Once you go Therian….” He ran a hand down Dex’s back toward his ass.

The last of Dex’s patience snapped, and he punched Taylor square across the jaw, the sound resonating through the hall. Everyone who’d been standing in line waiting to use the bathroom wen

t silent, their stunned gazes on Dex and Taylor, who was now on his ass.

“You asked for that you dick,” Dex growled and backed up when Taylor pushed himself to his feet. He swayed for a moment before getting his bearings. The guy’s expression went from confused to pissed off. What the fuck did he have to be pissed about? Dex had given him plenty of warning.

“Dex?” Sloane appeared beside him, his hand on Dex’s shoulder. “What the hell’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Taylor spat out.

Sloane didn’t hesitate. “Bullshit. What did you do?”

“Your partner just punched a Team Leader, and you’re asking me what I did?” Taylor rubbed his jaw where Dex had clobbered him.

“I bet he had a good reason for it.”

Taylor gaped at Sloane. Had he been expecting Sloane to agree with him? The guy seemed to be considering his options. He clearly reconsidered making a move against Dex because he seemed to deflate, jutting his bottom lip out pathetically. “I was only talking to him.”

That only succeeded in pissing Dex off. He’d heard that shit before, and it wasn’t going to fly. Not with him. “Oh, fuck you, Taylor. I don’t know how many others kept their mouth shut, but I’m not letting this slide. I couldn’t have said ‘no’ any fucking clearer. I told you how many times to keep your hands off?”

“You son of a bitch!” Sloane grabbed Taylor and shoved him up against the wall. “I warned you to keep your hands off of my team, didn’t I?”

“Your team or your partner?” Taylor sneered, pushing Sloane away from him. “That’s fine. I can take the hint.”

Dex opened his mouth, then shut it. What was the point? He’d never met anyone who exhausted him the way Taylor did.

“Maybe I’ll find me a sweet little cheetah Therian who’ll be less of a pain in the ass. At least not a pain in my ass. His will be another story.”

The suggestion Taylor meant Cael would have pissed Dex off, but when a shadow caught his eye, he cringed instead. He almost felt sorry for the guy. Almost. “Now you done fucked up twice.”

Ash materialized behind Taylor like some otherworldly specter, his hand slapping down on the smaller agent’s collarbone before giving it a squeeze that had Taylor hissing.

“Join me outside for a chat, will you?”

Shit. Ash was being civilized. That could only mean Taylor was lucky he didn’t get tossed over the balcony. Taylor had no choice but to accompany Ash. Dex headed downstairs with Sloane at his side.

“What a dick. Whatever Ash gives him, he deserves.”

“You okay?” Sloane asked, pulling Dex over to one side when they reached the kitchen.

“Yeah. Guys like Taylor annoy the fuck out of me. They think they can put their hands wherever they want when they want. Like it’s somehow okay because you’re a dude. They don’t give a fuck what the other guy wants as long as they get laid.”


Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance