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The corner of Sloane’s lips lifted in a halfhearted smile, before it faltered and trembled, a laugh that was half a sob escaping him and breaking Dex’s heart. “You should see the other guys.”

“You got in a fight?”

Sloane’s smile faded. “Yeah. I don’t feel so well, Dex. Can I come in? You can say no. I deserve a ‘no.’”

Dex had no idea what was going on, but he couldn’t leave Sloane like this. He took hold of his arm and gently pulled him inside, closing the door behind him. “You feeling sick?”

Sloane nodded and Dex didn’t give it another thought. He laced his fingers with Sloane’s and led him to the stairs. Wrapping an arm around him, he helped Sloane upstairs. The guy looked like he was ready to pass out. As soon as Dex switched on the bathroom lights, Sloane made a dash to the toilet. He dropped to his knees and hurled into the bowl. Well, this was nothing he hadn’t done for his brother and vice versa. He knelt down beside Sloane and rubbed a hand soothingly over his back.

“It’s okay, buddy. Let it all out.” After giving Sloane’s back a pat, he rose and went to the cabinet underneath the sink. He grabbed a small plastic cup, a couple of paper towels from the roll he kept down there, and a bottle of mouthwash, then took a seat on the floor beside Sloane. When the guy was finally done, Dex handed him a paper towel, followed by some mouthwash. “Here.”

“Thanks,” Sloane grumbled, before spitting out a mouthful of the minty blue liquid into the bowl. “I must reek.”

“You do, but you left behind a couple of T-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I’ll get them for yo


“You ever wish you were anyone else but you?”

Dex paused. He opened his mouth, but Sloane waved a hand in his face. “Don’t answer that. You don’t. I know you don’t. Why would you? You’re so good.” Dex’s confusion must have shown, because Sloane cupped Dex’s face in his big hands. “Being around you… I don’t hate myself so much.”

“Why would you hate yourself? Hey, look at me.” Dex ran a hand over Sloane’s head. “Whatever happened, it doesn’t change the fact you’re a good guy.”

Sloane shook his head, the tears in his eyes catching Dex by surprise. Jesus, what the hell had happened? This was the first he’d seen Sloane like this.

“I keep telling myself I should walk away from you, that it would hurt less than you walking out on me, but I’m too much of a coward. Can’t walk away, can’t stay. I don’t know what the hell to do anymore.”

“Why would I walk out on you when all I’ve been trying to do for months is convince you how much I want to be with you?”

Sloane shook his head, his hands falling to his sides in defeat. “You don’t want to be with me, Dex. You shouldn’t be.”

“Stop. I don’t know what’s happened, but nothing’s changed.”

Sloane let out a harsh laugh. “It will.”

“I’m not going to walk away.”

“You have to,” Sloane insisted, his words slightly slurred. “For your own good.”

“Damn it, Sloane, what the hell is going on?”

“I need to go.” Sloane moved to get up, and Dex put a stop to that, his hands on Sloane’s shoulders. He gave them a squeeze.

“You think I’m letting you out of my sight while you’re like this? I’m getting you a change of clothes, and you’re crashing here.”

“Leave me alone.” Sloane pushed himself to his feet, wavering and grabbing onto the sink to steady himself.

“Not a chance.” If Sloane thought Dex was going to back off that easy, he had another think coming. There was no way Dex was letting Sloane leave this house, even if he had to knock the guy out himself to keep him there.

“Fuck off!” Sloane spat out.

“I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”

Sloane turned, looking distraught. “You don’t understand.”

“Then help me understand.”

Sloane pushed past Dex, stumbling through the bedroom. Before he reached the stairs, Dex grabbed him by the shirt and jerked him back. The last thing he wanted was for Sloane to break his neck on the stairs, or bring them both crashing down. Sober, Dex wouldn’t have been able to budge him, but shitfaced was another matter. Sloane flailed and hit the hall carpet with a loud thud. He rolled onto his side, making a low growling noise. Ignoring him, Dex reached down to help, only to have Sloane grab his ankle and pull it out from under him. With a groan, Dex found himself on his back with Sloane leaning over him, a fist hovering over Dex’s face. Making sure not to make too sudden a movement, Dex reached out and wrapped his hand around Sloane’s fist. He remained silent, his eyes not moving from his partner’s.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance