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“Next time, talk to me, please. If I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t be. Or do you think I’m biding my time with you until something better comes along?”

“I don’t think that. I fucked up.” Sloane pulled Dex into his arms, aware of the slight hesitation. If he kept this up, one of these days Dex was going to be the one walking away. He didn’t like how the thought made him feel. He wrapped his arms tightly around Dex and kissed his temple, inhaling Dex’s scent. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. Dex’s arms circled his waist and gave him a squeeze.

Knowing their teammates were busy and most likely didn’t know where they were, Sloane took a chance, stealing a kiss. It started slow, Dex’s mouth tasting sweet from the shots, his lips soft and sending a rush of blood down to Sloane’s groin, but it quickly turned heated. Sloane slipped his hand under Dex’s T-shirt, his fingers stroking smooth skin over hard muscle. He dug his fingers into Dex’s ass, reveling in the low moan Dex let out against his lips, loving the shiver that Sloane could feel go through his partner. He reminded himself he was responsible for that. His thoughts went to Dex writhing underneath him, the way he stole Dex’s breath, left him speechless, in a sweaty, panting mess. His mouth

demanded more from Dex, and he pulled Dex hard against him, his erection rubbing against Dex’s.

“Dex? Is everything—Oh wow.”

Sloane pulled away with a start, his breath heavy and his eyes wide at Lou standing there, his mouth hanging open. Shit.

“Shit.” Dex thrust a finger at Sloane. “You, don’t you dare disappear on me. I’ll handle this.” He took Lou’s arm and led him outside, leaving Sloane standing there with nothing but the muffled sounds coming from the dance floor and the taste of Dex on his lips. Fuck. He rubbed his hands over his face as he considered his next course of action. Okay, he was the Team Leader of a tactical team operating under the military branch of the United States government. He could handle one ex-boyfriend.

Sloane went over his options. Not that he didn’t trust Dex to handle the situation. After careful consideration, he came up with two choices—threaten Lou into silence, or use this situation to his advantage. The first one sounded fun, but the latter was the smarter choice. He’d give Dex a few minutes, then he was going in. One way or another, their secret had to remain that.

Chapter 6

THIS NIGHT was turning into one spectacular clusterfuck. Lou ordered a JD and Coke and Dex ordered a beer. He took a quick survey of the place. Calvin and Hobbs had disappeared. Ash was over in the corner with Cael, having an animated conversation that Cael seemed to find particularly amusing for some strange reason, while Letty and Rosa were on the dance floor busting some serious moves. Relieved his team was none the wiser to his disaster of a love life or more likely, life in general, he turned to Lou, who was looking both embarrassed and startled. Seeming to snap himself out of it, Lou spoke up.


“My partner at the THIRDS and my Team Leader,” Dex replied in a hushed tone, though there were enough people crowding the bar and enough noise to drown out their conversation from eavesdroppers.

Lou nodded. “I was going to say scary, but okay.”

“That too. I need you to keep what you saw to yourself. I could get into trouble if my superiors, including my dad, found out, not to mention I’d be transferred from the team. Please, Lou.” To his surprise, Lou stiffened, looking affronted.

“Dex, I’d never be so vindictive. Especially not with you.”

“Thank you.”

“So, he’s a Therian.”

“Yes.” He knew Lou had a thing against Therians, though he’d only discovered it while in the process of being dumped. It had been an unexpected revelation to say the least.

“Is….” Lou swallowed hard, his eyes falling to his drink. “Is that why it didn’t work between us? Because I wasn’t—”

“No! Jesus, Lou.” Dex put his hand to Lou’s shoulder. “I really cared about you. I still do. What happened between us had to do with us not being right for each other and nothing to do with you being Human. I wasn’t making you happy, and you deserve to be happy.”

Lou nodded. “Does he make you happy?”

That was the million-dollar question. Or was it? “When I don’t want to strangle him, yes, he makes me happy.” A sad smile came onto his face. “Even if he has a hard time believing it.”

“Sounds like you two have issues to work out.”

Issues? More like subscriptions. Dex took a sip of his beer in an attempt not to give it too much thought. “Yeah, but I think we’ll get there. He’s a good guy.”

There was silence between them, both taking sips of their drinks until Lou got that mischievous look in his eyes. “I guess he’s kind of hot, for a Therian. I bet he’s huge.”

“Oh my God, Lou!” Dex nearly spit out his beer. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stared at his ex-boyfriend. Lou gave a delicate snort.

“You’re such a prude. Well, is he?”

He knew Lou wasn’t going to let up until he got his answer. Dex had never been shy about this sort of thing, but talking about Sloane’s sexy parts with his ex was wrong on so many levels. “It is proportionate to the rest of him.”

“In other words, he’s hung.”

Dex pinched the bridge of his nose, resigned to the absurdity that was this evening. “Yes. I can’t believe I’m discussing my guy’s dick with my ex.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance