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“Boy, please. Who do you think you’re talking to? I raised you.” Maddock faced Sloane, his face grim. “You know how many times I caught him climbing out his window when he was a kid?”

Nope, but Sloane was pretty sure he was about to find out.

“Enough times for me to get burglar bars installed on his and his brother’s bedroom windows. You keep an eye on him, you hear me. He is one slippery little bastard. The minute your back is turned, he will be halfway across town or ass up in your neighbor’s rosebushes.”

“Oh my God, one time and you’re branded for life,” Dex moaned, letting his head fall back against the pillow. “Ow.”

“I don’t want to hear another word about it.”

“Fine,” Dex grumbled. “How long?”

“Until I say so.

Dex held up a finger. “I have a request.”


“You don’t know what it is. Hear me out. It hurts.” Dex sat up again, his pout in full effect, and his shoulders slumped. He tilted his head to one side, eyes slightly wide. Oh he was good. Sloane would give him that. Not even Maddock was immune to that face.


“Lord, give me strength. Fine. What is it?”

“I’d like Sloane to wear one of those sexy male nurses’ uniforms, the white latex ones with the assless chaps.”

“Sweet little baby Jesus.” Maddock turned to Sloane and cringed, most likely due to the terrified look on Sloane’s face. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I’ll get you some extra vacation time or something.”

“I don’t think there are enough days in the year,” Sloane muttered, ignoring Dex’s wide grin.

“The doctor should be along shortly to release him. If you need anything, give us a ring. I’ll make sure you’re kept up to speed. I’m also going to put a couple of agents outside the house, just in case. I don’t care if you need to zip tie him to the bed, you make sure he takes it easy.” Maddock headed for the door, calling out over his shoulder. “Dex, you behave yourself or I’m docking your pay.”

“You can’t do that!” Dex looked to Sloane. “Can he do that?”

When the door closed, Dex let out a sigh of relief. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell him you’re doing a great job. He’ll never know.”

With a sly smile, Sloane made himself comfortable on the two-seater. “Nope. I’m going to take you home and make you something to eat, and you’re going to lie down, take painkillers, sleep, and then eat some more. And so help me you’re going to let me take care of you and like it.”

“Let me guess, or you’ll kick my ass?”

Sloane shrugged. “Seeing as how that’s already happened, I’m going to go with annoy the living bejesus out of you.” If he had to suffer through this, so did Dex. Just because he’d agreed to take care of his partner, didn’t mean he was going to allow Dex to wrap him around his little finger with those pouty lips and big blue eyes.

“Like you’re doing now?”

“I learned from the best.”

Dex narrowed his eyes. “The force is strong with this one.”

Sloane laughed. “All right there, Yoda.”

“Please,” Dex scoffed. “We both know I’d be Han. You can be Luke.”

“Okay, Han.”

“Ash would be Vader. Ew, Ash would be your dad.” Dex chortled at his own joke then sucked in another sharp breath. “Ow.”

Oh God. Sloane let his head fall back against the love seat. Why did he get the feeling he was going to be the one in pain?

Chapter 11

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance