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"Fine. I'm going to jump."

Riley took a deep breath and pushed himself off. He managed to maintain his dignity by not flailing--too much. Khalon caught him, his arms wrapped tight around Riley as they stared at each other. They were nose to nose, their lips inches away from each other. Well, that escalated quickly. Khalon's scent invaded Riley, an earthy mix with the faintest hint of some fragrant blossom. His green eyes were hooded and he poked his tongue out to brush his bottom lip, brushing against Riley's lips in the process. He could feel Khalon's hot breath against his skin and he was consumed by the need to kiss Khalon. All he had to do was lean in just a little. Would Khalon reject him again? Would he kiss Riley back? Riley had the urge to offer himself up as prey, to be devoured.

As if reading his thoughts, Khalon parted his lips. His pupils dilated and he angled his head slightly. He dropped his gaze to Riley's lips, tightening his grip on Riley.

"Forgive me," Khalon said gruffly.

"For what?" Riley's voice came out almost whispered. His body felt hot, especially his face, and his fingers had somehow found their way to Khalon's shoulders. Khalon's body was hard against Riley's, his warmth radiating off him. Riley's heart pounded, his pulse raced, and a desire he'd never experienced before coursed through his body. What was happening to him? It wasn't just attraction. It was as if his body needed Khalon's touch the way his lungs needed air. Was it the mark? Was it making Riley think he needed Khalon? He was so freaking confused.

"I'm... not certain," Khalon replied quietly.

Apparently Riley wasn't the only one.

Confusion crossed Khalon's handsome face and he gently put Riley down on his feet, though his hands remained on Riley's waist. "Stay close."

"Um, okay." Was he blushing? Oh God, please don't let me be blushing.

Khalon cupped his cheek and Riley leaned into the touch before he could stop himself. "Stay close to me."

Riley nodded. He wasn't quite sure what was going on. He felt... strange. Did Khalon feel the same? He looked a little unsettled. Riley dropped his gaze when he noticed Khalon's tattoo was moving. The bands were turning on his arm, some in opposite directions.

"Your arm."

Khalon followed his gaze down to his arm. He pulled away from Riley as if he'd been burned.

"What's wrong?"

Khalon placed his hand over his arm as if he were trying to stop the movement or cover up his tattoo, neither of which was working. He shook his head. "It's nothing. We should keep going." He turned and strode off, leaving Riley feeling... disappointed. Again.

Riley felt a tickling on his arm and he went to scratch the itch when he saw the bands on his arm moving. They spun around his arm, some in different directions, just as Khalon's had. He needed to get some answers, but he had a feeling he wouldn't be getting any from Khalon.

As they continued ahead, Riley waited for the right opportunity. Khalon seemed lost in his own thoughts and he was walking at a brisker pace than the rest of them. Riley took the opportunity to sidle up to Rayner.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"What does it mean when his tattoos start moving?"

Rayner looked startled by the question. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, when he caught me, we kind of ended up a little closer to each other than expected. When he put me down, I noticed his tattoo was moving, but when I asked, he said it was nothing."

Whatever he said seemed to amuse Rayner greatly. He let out a laugh, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, what's it mean?"

"It means he's made an emotional connection with you, one from the depths of his very soul."

"Oh. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Because you know, a lot of his emotional connections leave me thinking he's close to following through with a physical connection of his fist to my face."

Rayner threw his head back and laughed. He wrapped an arm around Riley's shoulders. "You are something else, Riley."

Ahead of them Khalon paused long enough to glare at them over his shoulder before grumbling something under his breath and marching off again.

"Tell me, Riley. Did your mark do the same?"

"Yeah, it did." Riley stared at him. "Wait, are you saying my soul had an emotional connection with him?"

Tags: Charlie Cochet Soldati Hearts Fantasy