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"Exactly!" Khalon beamed brightly. He drew his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. He studied Riley curiously. "What are you doing here?"

Riley shrugged. "I needed a little quiet and found this place." He couldn't help his smile as he gazed up at the wide starry sky. "It's beautiful." When he looked back at Khalon, he had his face turned up to the sky, his lips pulled in a contented smile.

"Yes, it is."

Khalon turned his attention back to Riley and their gazes met. Wow, he was handsome. Whoever ended up being Khalon's mate would be one lucky guy. Shit, Riley was staring. He cleared his throat and looked down at his feet. Why was he so damned awkward? No wonder Khalon couldn't wait to get rid of him. Like he didn't have enough to worry about without having Riley passing out, possibly getting mauled by demons, dying from some prophet's power, or staring at him like some horny teenager with his first crush. Not that he had a crush on Khalon. He was just easy on the eyes. Keep telling yourself that.

"I'd like to apologize for my behavior upon your arrival. I allowed my emotions to get the better of me. I hope you'll forgive me for being such a miserable bastard."

Riley shrugged. "I get it. You waited centuries for your mate, and when you finally get him, he's... well, me."

"There is nothing wrong with you, Riley."

Riley was pleasantly surprised by Khalon's sincerity. "You're right. I guess what I mean is I'm not what you expected, what you were meant to get. You're a king. I serve lattes. You're powerful, wield magic, and turn into a tiger. I'm a human, and a pretty average one at that."

Khalon leaned back on his arms, his expression thoughtful. "I don't know about average. An average human wouldn't have adapted so quickly to all this." He motioned around him and Riley supposed he had a point.

With a smile Riley lay down, his stomach doing a flip when Khalon lay beside him. They exchanged glances before turning their attention to the stars. As they lay there in companionable silence, it struck him then adapting wasn't so much a problem as having to leave it all behind.

Chapter Eight

"HOW BAD is it?"

Khalon walked through the village square with Rayner and Adira, who'd returned just before dawn from their stalking. They'd snuck out through the barrier in their tiger forms to walk the grounds around the village and determine how many demons still lurked.

"As expected, some gave chase to Captain Airaldi and our warriors while others have grown weary of waiting. I did not feel the presence of the dark demon," Rayner informed him.

"Nor did I," Adira added. "It disappeared into the trees sometime before dawn, and I have not felt its presence since."

Khalon considered this. "Do you suppose he followed Airaldi?"

"I doubt it," Adira grumbled. "The filthy beast knows Riley is still here."

"How long before Airaldi reaches the temple?" Khalon asked Rayner, his attention momentarily captured by Riley as he ran around the village square chasing the foxling children. After several minutes of petting his golden hair, they'd pleaded with him to play. Khalon found himself smiling at the memory of Riley's wonder when the children all shifted into their fox forms.

The foxlings bounced around Riley, making him laugh. They hopped, darted here and there, and made gekkering sounds as they played. Riley seemed to be having a grand time, his childlike glee an endearing sight.


Khalon blinked at Rayner. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Rayner gave him a knowing look and Khalon scowled at him. "Oh, shut up."

"I didn't say anything," Rayner replied with a laugh.

Khalon narrowed his eyes and poked Rayner in the chest. "No, but you were thinking it." The only disadvantage to having a second who was as shrewd as Rayner was the scoundrel missed nothing when it came to Khalon.

"As I was saying," Rayner continued, ignoring his glare as usual. "It will be days yet before Airaldi and our warriors reach the temple. Once the path has been cleared, he will post half our warriors along the way while the others return to divert the remaining demons around the village. We'll leave under the cover of darkness, stick to the path forged by Airaldi, and get Riley to the temple. The priestess will remove the mark and you'll be presented with a new prince."

Khalon gave him a nod. "Good." Now if only he would stop feeling the opposite.

As if sensing his reluctance, Adira spoke, her voice gentle, which was most unlike her. "He does not belong in our world, Khalon. He is not strong enough to be a Soldati prince. Not physically. I admit Riley possesses great strength for a human and a good heart. He is kind and patient. In truth he possesses many admirable traits expected in a Soldati prince, but there is no point in you entertaining the idea of him staying in our world, much less as your prince. Especially if he is truly Saugur. If by some miracle Riley survives the visions he will surely have, he remains mortal. A man. Even if he survives the countless dangers of our world, if he lives out a full life, Riley will die while you continue to live for centuries with a broken heart and no mate."

"Always the voice of reason, Adira," Khalon replied softly, unable to help the ache in his heart.

"Forgive me." She lowered her head, and he took hold of her hands, bringing them to his lips for a kiss. Her conc

ern and love for him was evident in her bright gray eyes.

"That is not a slight against you, my dear friend. I am grateful for your sage advice. It may be difficult to hear at times, but necessary nonetheless. What manner of king would I be if I did not heed the wisdom of my treasured council?"

Tags: Charlie Cochet Soldati Hearts Fantasy