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Riley gaped at him. "Two days? What? How?" There was something in Khalon's gaze, something that worried Riley. He seemed reluctant to answer. A part of Riley didn't want to know, but he asked anyway. "Is it because of the whole Saugur thing?"

"It's possible," Khalon replied quietly.

"Oh God, am I dying?" Was it happening already? Riley couldn't believe this. First he was swept away to another world and told he was a prince, then a prophet, and now he was dying? His knees grew weak and Khalon wrapped an arm around him, leading him to the loveseat he'd vacated moments earlier.

"You are not dying," Khalon assured him. "If you were truly a Saugur, it would take time, several prophecies before your body began to feel the strain of its power." Riley plopped down onto the loveseat and Khalon kneeled before him, his strong hands on Riley's knees. "Several of my warriors have arrived and they're keeping vigilance with Rayner, Adira, and Ezra. The rest of my warriors are forging a path to the priestess's temple as we speak. I will get you home, Riley. I promise."

How could Khalon make a promise like that and expect to keep it? After what Riley saw in the woods? It seemed like every time he made a move, the number of demons trying to kill him quadrupled. How long before they were outnumbered?

"What's to keep the demons from coming back after your warriors clear a path?"

Khalon shook his head. "No demon will escape their light. They will become nothing but ash. The stench will alert the others of the danger and they will attempt to find another way. As long as we stick to the path, all will be well." He gently squeezed Riley's knees again. "You must have faith, Riley."

"Okay. I'll try." He gave Khalon a tentative smile. "Thanks."


Khalon pulled him to his feet but didn't move out of the way, so Riley ended up almost pressed against him, his hands still in Khalon's. He was all chiseled features and hard muscle, his stubbly jaw giving Riley the urge to nip at it. He was gorgeous. Why hadn't he noticed that before? He had tiny nicks and barely visible scars on his neck, jaw, and over his left brow, but somehow they enhanced his beauty. He had a strong nose, full lips, and his pitch-black hair was tucked neatly behind his ears, though it fell over his brow on one side. He felt solid. Like he could weather any storm and never break. Whatever strange trance they seemed to have been in, they snapped out of it, each turning away from the other. Khalon cleared his throat.

"Let's get some food in you. Flora and Lasa have cooked a wonderful meal." He motioned toward the kitchen, his hand coming to rest on Riley's lower back as he ushered him in. His touch had a strange soothing effect on Riley, which was odd considering up until recently, Khalon had a talent for putting him on edge.

Entering the kitchen, he was met with the mouthwatering aroma of fresh bread, cooked meat, and several other dishes that were unfamiliar but smelled heavenly. He was also greeted by his hostesses Flora and her mate Lasa. Behind Flora their daughter Tinia clung to her skirts. Riley smiled at Tinia. He kneeled down in front of her.

"Hi. I'm Riley. Your dress is very pretty."

Tinia smiled shyly. She released Lasa's skirts and edged closer to Riley, her eyes going to his hair. He remembered what Rayner said about no one in the kingdom having blond hair.

"Do you like it?" he asked her, touching his head. She nodded, her gaze fixated on his head. "Would you like to feel it?"

She looked up at her mothers and Flora nodded. "If it's all right with Riley."

Riley gave her a nod and Tinia carefully drew closer to him. She reached out slowly, lightly brushing the side of his head with her small fingers. She gasped in delight.

"It's so soft, Mommy!"

Riley chuckled. She petted his head, her little face filled with wonder. He'd never met anyone so awestruck by his hair. Normally people didn't give him a second glance. There had never been anything extraordinary about him. He wasn't particularly attractive or ripped, and his only talent was drawing and making a mean cup of coffee. He wasn't an overachiever, and in some people's opinions, not even an average achiever. The most use he'd gotten from his art degree came in the form of a few months of freelance, and up until recently, he could boast that his coffee shop had the best-looking sandwich board on their block.

"All right, time for bed," Lasa instructed. "Say good night."

Tinia threw her arms around Riley and he found himself smiling like a dope. He gave her a gentle squeeze in return, then released her, laughing when she launched herself into Khalon's outstretched arms.

"Can you tuck me in?" she asked, battin

g her long lashes, her dark eyes wide and hopeful. Riley doubted Khalon could say no to a face like that. He didn't even try.

"Of course." He carried her out of the room and Riley watched him ago, amazed.

"It's such an honor to have you both here," Lasa said, coming to stand beside Riley. "I am relieved to find the rumors surrounding His Majesty to be true."

"Rumors?" Riley asked, following Lasa to the dinner table. He took a seat when prompted. "Thank you."

"That he is as compassionate and charming as he is fierce."

"And very handsome," Flora added with a wink.

Riley ignored her knowing smile and placed his napkin on his lap. Was his face red? He hoped not. "So he's a good king?"

"Oh yes." Lasa smiled brightly as she set a plate before Riley. "As was his father before him. The Soldati kingdom continues to thrive under his rule. His people are well cared for and happy. The king and his council are just. Many of us live simply but we want for nothing. His Majesty sees to it."

Tags: Charlie Cochet Soldati Hearts Fantasy