Page 48 of Owen

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“I’m sure he’ll tell us shortly, sweetie.”

The big house came into view and Tara noticed how she suddenly dragged her steps.

“Come on, Mommy! Grandpa Frank told me I could help him out before dinner.”

Tara heard Frank approach on his riding lawn mower before he came into view. He stopped the engine and Frankie let go of her ears with her hands.

“That’s loud!” she still yelled even after the engine had stopped.

Tara giggled. “Yeah, it really is loud. Hi, Frank.”

Frank nodded. “Hi.”

“Are we going for a ride?” Frankie asked.

Frank’s face lit up as he smiled at Frankie. “We sure are, kid. If that’s okay with your mother?”

Tara gave Frank a watery smile. “Sure.”

Frank still gave her the cold shoulder. She had herself to blame, though. Hopefully, after explaining herself tonight, he could find it in his heart to forgive her.

“Don’t you think it’s weird that you’re called Frank and I’m Frankie?”

Tara ruffled her daughter’s hair. “That’s because your father also is called Frank. It’s his middle name. I named you after your father and in a way, after your grandfather.”

She didn’t dare look up at Frank. Talk about awkward. She named her daughter after a man who hated her.

Frank picked up Frankie and sat her down in front of him.

“I’m very grateful for your mother calling you Frankie,” he said to Frankie.

“You are?” Frankie asked.

“Yep. I always wanted a best friend with the same name as me.”

Frank words warmed Tara’s heart. She watched them drive away on the lawn mower after Frank placed a headphone on top of Frankie’s little head.

She entered the kitchen via the side entrance and for the second time in these past few days, all conversation fell still the moment she’d entered the room.

“Hi, Gorgeous,” Owen said after kissing her cheek.


She glanced around the dinner table filled with people staring at her. Lily’s stare was downright hostile while Caitlin’s expression had been kind and welcoming. Chloe stood from the table and said, “Hi, Tara. Good to see you again.”

Lily’s derisive snort had Owen speak up at the same time as Lauren, “Lily!”

“What? I don’t agree. It’s a good thing that Frankie is here with us, but Tara can leave for all I care.”

Tara held Owen’s bicep before she stepped in front of him. She glanced around the table taking in all the Mills’es except for Frank who was still riding on the lawn mower with Frankie.

She knew that she probably had Lauren to thank for arranging for Frankie to go with Frank so they had a chance to talk.

Mason, Lily, Matteo sat at one side of the table, Lauren sat at the head and on the other side were Chloe, Damian, Adam and Caitlin. Owen stood next to Tara, his hand touching her lower back in support.

She didn’t want to stand during her talk, so she sat down opposite of Lauren. Owen pulled a chair in so he could sit down next to her. All this went on in complete silence, making her even more nervous.

“Okay. So, I’ve told Owen last night what happened to me eight years ago.”

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