Page 45 of Owen

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He arched a brow. “Tiffany…?”

She rolled her blue eyes. “We hooked-up a few times…”

“Nope. Can’t say I remember you.” He had fun teasing her as she clearly was showing off for her friend.

Tiffany stomped her high heel, piercing the velvet green carpet. “You let me wear your tool belt before you tied me up and licked me till I screamed for my momma.”

“No way. That was you?”

The brunette sprouted, as Tiffany got angrier and fisted her narrow hips. “Oh, you remember! I can see it in your eyes.”

“The only thing I’ll remember if I ever see your face again is that you’ve talked smack about my family. Nothing else.”

He left her standing with the gobsmacked brunette and got out into the breezy mountain air. Since Jim had everything covered here, and he’d already checked on two other projects today, he called it an early day.

Owen got into his truck and drove straight over to his parents’ B&B. He was sure he could help out his old man with a thing or two. Now that Owen and Chloe had also moved out of the big house, only his parents’ lived there with a constant coming and going of the guests occupying the other ten bedrooms.

Caitlin and Adam lived in an apartment behind the big house and with the baby coming up, Owen was sure that they needed his help in sorting things out with an extension of some sort.

As he drove on the main road leading up to Winter Peaks, he thought about asking Lily if maybe he could break through the wall of her apartment so Caitlin and Adam could use her place as an extension for the nursery.

Lily was almost always gone with Matteo while he was on tour and if they would want to stay in Winter Peaks so she could work for a few weeks at Sharp Lines again, she could always get a room in the big house. Or at Owen’s house, if she would stop hating on Tara.

Now that Tara finally had told him about the reason she’d left town, he was sure that his family would come around. He’d promised Tara last night that he wouldn’t tell his family since Tara wanted to do it herself tonight.

Owen glanced at the time in the dashboard. Since he stopped earlier today, he still had two hours before Tara would come over at the big house to talk to his parents.

He parked his truck behind the big house where just Adam parked his bike. Owen got out of his truck and said, “I have an idea!”

Adam laughed his signature loud laugh and said, “And you had to drive all the way up here to celebrate this historical fact with me. You’re too kind.”

Owen closed the door to his truck and walked over to Adam and Cait’s apartment not caring if his brother followed him. Even though he’d only meant it as a joke, Owen knew that nobody in his family ever took him seriously.

Caitlin must have heard them coming up as she opened the door. “Hi, what’s up?”

“Be careful, Owen has an idea…” Adam said with a chuckle.

Owen whirled around and stepped up to his forty-one-year old brother. “You’re getting on my nerves, bro.”

Adam held up both hands. “Sorry. I was just messing with you. What’s the matter? We always say stupid shit to each other. Normally, wouldn’t take anything I say to heart.”

Owen shrugged. “I guess I’m a bit over it.”

Caitlin joined them outside and Adam kissed his wife. “How are my girls doing?”

Owen’s eyes went up into his hairline. “What? You’re having a girl?”

Caitlin smiled shyly, as her hands found her little baby bump. “Yes. We found out a few weeks ago but I thought we weren’t telling anyone.”

Adam made a face. “I’m so sorry, I’m just so happy… It slipped out before I could stop it.”

Owen laughed as he put an arm around Caitlin and Adam. As he stood between them in their little huddle, he said, “Congratulations, you guys. I’m so happy for you two. I know Frankie will be over the moon when you’ll tell her.”

Adam slung his arm around Owen’s shoulder and said, “Thanks, O. I’m sure Cait will want to tell it any day now, since I’m a loose canon with keeping this a secret.”

Caitlin snorted. “I should have known since you don’t keep anything bottled up inside.”

Adam shrugged. “I must been doing something right since I’ve finally have the girl of my dreams and a little girl of our dreams coming in a few months’ time.”

Tags: Anna Castor Erotic