Page 32 of Owen

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Jenny took the lead, walking down hill. “I’ll bet my bistro on it that you guys already had sex.”

“What?!” Tara shrieked while she felt a blush creep over her cheeks.

Jenny cackled. “Oh, you’ve just given it away! How was it?”

“Ugh. I’m not telling you anything.”

Jenny flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder. “That’s okay. I’ll bet it was fireworks. You two always seemed explosive back in the days.”

Tara remembered almost everything. “Yeah. You’re right. It was and it still is like fireworks.”

They walked further down hill and Owen’s house came into full view. Oh, how she would love to live in that house with him and Frankie as a true family.

As if Jenny read her mind, she said, “Go on. Tell him what happened. I know I swore to you six years ago to never tell a living soul about your father showing up, but I think we both regret that decision. Go and make things right, Tara.”

Tara took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll talk to you later.”

She would confide in Owen and hope for the best. Hopefully he wouldn’t go searching for trouble. She had a gut feeling that trouble was already on its way.


“And this one is for when the snow is this high,” Frankie said as she showed her new winter coat while holding a hand up to her chest to point out the enormous snowfall she expected.

Tara sat down on Frankie’s princess bed and said, “I like that one. I think that’s my favorite.”

“See? I told you, Owen,” Frankie said with a proud smile on her face.

Owen winked at Frankie who dug deep down in the enormous shopper. She pulled out the exact coat as Frankie’s, only in Tara’s size.

Tara shot up from the bed and said, “No way! You guys got me the same?”

The shiny emerald green puffy coat could be considered flashy against the snow, but Tara didn’t seem to care.

“You like it?” Owen asked with a chuckle.

“Like it? I love it!”

Frankie giggled as they both got their new puffy winter coats on, giving each other a high five. They made a beautiful couple in their borderline tacky coats.

Owen had not wanted to buy the atrocious thing, but Frankie insisted that she only wanted this coat and that her mother would also want one in her size.

Owen pulled out his phone and interrupted them. “Okay, girls. Look at me.”

Tara pulled Frankie close and they both smiled at Owen’s phone as he took a picture.

“Now one with all of us!” Frankie shouted.

Owen held Tara’s eyes for a moment, trying to read what she would think about taking a picture together.

“That’s a great idea, sweetie. Come join us, Owen.”

Owen got on the other side of Frankie and held out his phone. He turned the camera on them and the three of them all grinned.

After taking a couple of pictures he said, “Okay, now I want a green coat, too!”

Frankie laughed the hardest and he swiftly took a few extra pictures.

“Oh, I bet those last ones are awesome,” Tara said.

Tags: Anna Castor Erotic