Page 71 of Perfect Love

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Dahlia drew the swathe of fabric from her tote.

She’d brought Calista a mermaid costume. Turquoise silk shaped like clam shells made up the bra top. The skirt was fitted to below the knees in a skin-colored mesh with waves of sequins in the same turquoise color. From there, tulle sprinkled with crystal gemstones flared out to the floor. There was no way the dancers could do their acrobatic moves in a gown this long and tight, but the mermaid costume was so thoughtful, Calista could only beam at her cousin.

Her cousin hadn’t once chastised her for her Canadian adventure, though the social media from the Mer-bar could have gone so wrong. So cute of her to think of this. Plus, Ronan had to find a mermaid costume intriguing. If anything could remind Ronan of how interested he’d been in the beginning, this was it. Calista’s heart pattered and she wiggled her shoulders. If she was underwater in the Mer-bar tank right now, she’d make a mermaid emoji pose.

She was in. Calista lifted her jersey over her head.

“OMG, you wore a sports bra to a sports bar.” Dahlia shook her head. “We’ve taught you nothing.”

Calista rolled her eyes. “Turn around.” She did a quick change and placed her clothes in the tote. She shoved all her stuff under the bench. “I’m ready.”

Dahlia spun back. “Gorgeous.” She gave her a thumbs up. “You’ll get all the attention you want in that.” Her phone buzzed. She checked the screen and pumped her fists out in front of her chest. “I’m up two votes. Re-do your lipstick, I’ll see you out there.” Dahlia jetted, leaving Calista to primp.

Calista got out her compact. She lined her lips in a pretty mauve, filled them in, and then did a top layer of cherry gloss. Ready, she put her cosmetics in her bag’s outer pocket and stepped out into the corridor. Taking a deep breath, she moved toward the bar, taking mincing steps that swayed her hips because that’s all the costume permitted.

Ronan stood not two steps away. He met her gaze, moved to check out her body and did a double take. He opened his mouth and then closed it. “You changed.”

Calista chewed on her bottom lip, tasting the cherry flavor. “It’s like the Mer-bar.”

Ronan swallowed. Behind him, the crowd roared as the next contestant moved into place, but Calista couldn’t see them over his head. Ronan clenched and unclenched his fists. “I wish we were alone.”

Calista tilted her head. She crooked her finger and backed up slowly, mostly because of the tight cut of the skirt, and the pace worked the same as the gradual reeling of a fishing line. Ronan followed her without question.

She led him back to the storage room and closed the door, muting the sounds of the party.

Ronan crushed her to him and kissed her with a fast, turn-her-on rhythm. He filled his hands with her sequined bum, traced her bared abs, and slipped his fingers under her bra top, caressing her. “You’re so pretty, like dreams I’ve had, but here.”

Calista roamed her hands over his hard arms and around his back, and under his shirt, showing her appreciation with her touch instead of words.

Ronan breathed heavily. He scooped her into his arms, looked around at the stack of kegs, and then headed toward the bench. He sat down with her on his lap and resumed the lusty kisses.

The chemistry twining around them zapped Calista’s spine, and all she wanted was the feel of him against her. She wiggled until she was off his lap, and on the hard bench, from there, she lay back and held her arms up for him to come to her.

Ronan followed her down. His kisses slowed, matching the glide of his hands, and in a rhythm opposite of the pop rock music banging from the speakers.

He traced the shells of her bra, and then the center where they connected, and around to the back of the band. The costume bra had no hooks. He returned his attention to her nipples. He pulsed his fingers. Up, down. Stroke, light pinch. He kissed his way down her neck and replaced his fingers with the hot wet suction of his mouth right atop the silk. He lifted his lips to blow, chilling her already hard nipples, and then he repeated his movements, fingers, tongue, blow.

Her lacy panties dampened, and Calista moaned. “Ronan.” She arched her back and rubbed her hips against the fabric of his trousers, finding his masculine hardness.

Ronan gasped and thrust against her in response. The friction eased her ache for a second and then racked her tension and need higher.

Calista breathed harder, tunneled her hands into his hair and kissed him firmly with a drugging, wet, open-mouth kiss to show him what she wanted.

Ronan felt at her waist and back, then along her abdomen, and to her hips. He pulled his head up and gasped in a breath. “Zipper?” His question came out rushed and husky.



He didn’t understand the theme? “I’m a mermaid, their legs don’t part.” Her friends’ Mer-Maid virgin theory popped into her mind, but it wasn’t the time to share stories from class.

Ronan opened and closed his mouth and stared down at her with a helpless tortured look.

A slow grin crossed Calista’s lips, though her mood was more languorous and her eyes wanted to close while she held on for the ride.

Ronan reached behind her to the back of her skirt. “I’ll replace it.” The fabric tightened at her waist and then loosened with a rip sound, exposing her lacy panties to his wondering gaze. He groaned like he’d uncovered a treasure.

Tags: Emily Bow Romance