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Following them, I snuck into the woods, using my sense of smell to guide me since they had been further ahead of me. The closer I came to the edge of the woods, the more I started to recognize the other wolves’ scents. What was Amora doing?


I stood at the edge of the woods, stumped. What was today? Did I miss something? All of my pack and some of Sawyer’s came as well, along with Sawyer and Danika and their pups. Amora came up to me, a smile on her face. I was still trying to figure out what this was all about.

“What is all of this?”

Amora giggled when she got to me, straightening my hair and pulling out the twigs that had gotten tangled in it. Her hands came to my face and brought my attention to her smile growing as she stared at me. “Nolen, it’s your birthday!! You’ve been working so much you have forgotten it.”

Holy shit! It’s my birthday; how could I have forgotten today? And everyone had let me forget too. I had been in my office all morning, but Amora had brought me in breakfast like normal. But no, thinking about it now, I recalled she’d had my favorite things on the plate and had placed a kiss on my lips a little longer than expected. Glancing down at my beautiful mate, I smiled and then crashed my lips to hers. Wolf-whistles sounded from behind her. I broke the kiss to let her breathe and then glanced over the crowd of wolves in the clearing. “Thank you all for all of this! It has been a tough time rebuilding and getting things back to normal. A lot of that was you all.”

The crowd cheered, and Sawyer and Danika came up to us. While the rest of the wolves began to mingle with the others. I pulled Sawyer into a hug and then gave Danika a brief one. “Thank you both for coming. It’s still crazy that wolves come to my parties now.”

“Man, you saved them from a tyrant. They know you are the real deal and that you are a badass.” Sawyer clapped his hand on my shoulder as Danika and Amora walked off. Their pups, a girl and a boy, played with the other pups in the clearing. They were a year apart and feisty as hell but mine would be together, which meant I would have double the trouble from the start.

“How do you do it, man? I mean, when she told me she was pregnant, I about had a nervous breakdown, but when doc told us there would be two, I thought this couldn’t be happening.” I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye and saw him chuckling. He turned to me and met my gaze, his expression serious this time.

“Well, it’s pretty easy. I mean, Danika had most of the job when they were younger. They wouldn’t come to me, always wanting their momma, but when Zac started getting older, he started wanting me more. I tried to help her, but they just didn’t want me.” Sawyer shrugged as we observed them all playing. One day, mine would be out there running around, bossing all the other pups around. Two mean little boys running the pack together when they come of age. Naw, they wouldn’t be mean, but they wouldn’t be bullied like me. I’d never let them act like a tyrant, though, that was not how this pack was run.

“With Amora, she’ll have two to deal with; I can’t let her do all the work. That would drain her.” I shook my head at Sawyer as he chuckled at me. But he didn’t say anything more as we watched everyone enjoy themselves at the party.

The doors to my office opened, and Amora waddled in. I sat there watching her as she came up to me and leaned up against my desk. Yes, I said waddle, but I say it with love because Amora is even more beautiful now that she is round with my children than she ever was. She gazed at me, and I cocked an eyebrow at her. “What can I do you for Luna?”

“Nothing. Kulai is pacing, and I’m not feeling too well either. The little ones are not moving as much, and my belly is tight.” Amora rubbed her stomach with both her hands. It’d been two weeks since my birthday, and Amora neared her due date. I stood from my chair and reached for my mate. Her stomach was as hard as a rock; small kicks from my boys and quivers in her stomach raced downward.

“Have you been to the pack doctor? This might be the start of labor.” I ran my hands over her stomach, and when she moaned, I tried to keep from losing it. Her fingers traced the outline of my tricep, down the bicep, to my forearm.

“No, I’ve bothered him so much since last week. I don’t want to bother him anymore. Mhmm.” Her eyes squeezed shut, and her stomach tightened. When they opened again, Kulai’s eye color showed through. Her hand rested on my chest; I could sense the pressure through her thoughts.

“Alright, Amora, we are going to the doctor. This is intense even for me.” I tried to pick her up, but she pushed into my chest. Alright, well, if she wouldn’t let me take her to him, I’d bring him to her. Oscar, get down here now! My office, I think she’s in labor this time.

Be right there, Alpha.

I felt the next contraction, and damn if it wasn’t even more intense than the last one. Amora started to sweat, and I knew this was not going to be good if she birthed these pups in my office. Taking her chin in my hand, I brought her attention up to me. “Listen, my love, we need to take you to the doc. This seems to be different than the other times.”

She gave me a pained look, and that’s when her water broke. Oscar rushed in just as she slumped over in pain, and it took everything in me to keep from following her. The pack doctor came up to us and started to assess her. He glanced up at me after he looked her over. “We need to take her to the ward. These pups are on their way.”

I grabbed Amora up and carried her bridal style behind Oscar. Another contraction hit her harder than the other. We made it to the ward, and I placed her on one of the beds, sliding down her shorts and panties. Nurses came up to us and pushed her into a labor and delivery room as Oscar gloved up and put on some type of paper gown.

He motioned me to follow him. We both walked into the room where the nurses had already hooked her up to monitors and dressed her in a gown. I could detect each contraction getting worse as I made my way to her side. Taking hold of her hand, she squeezed, and I placed a soft kiss on the back. She turned her gaze on me as another contraction took hold; her grip tightened as well. “Nolen, I can’t do this.”

I gazed into her amber eyes that happened to be full of tears as the next contraction gripped her. A tear fell from my eye and down my cheek. Using my other hand, I wiped away her tears and stared at her, keeping her eyes connected to mine. “But you can, Amora. You are strong and beautiful. I know you can bring these boys into the world.”

She chuckled at that. We hadn’t found out what the pups were going to be, but she always told me that they were going to be girls, that she just knew. Some part of me thought they were girls as well, but a man could hope for boys, right? Amora shook her head, the sweat drenching her hair; a nurse pulled it up out of her face, fastening it into a bun. “Doctor, she is four centimeters, almost five.”

Oscar nodded as all the nurses in the room made sure everything was in order before leaving. He came up to her monitors, checking the babies’ heartbeats along with Amora’s. Turning from the machines, he glanced between us as he pulled off his gloves. “She has five more centimeters before she can start to push. Luna, if you want an epidural, we can place that now, but any later, and the babies will have to be born without it.”

Amora looked at me, and I just shrugged. This would be up to her; I wasn’t going to make this decision for her. Amora glanced back to Oscar and shook her head. As much as the pain was starting to become worse, I supported her in whatever she wanted. “Alright, Luna, a nurse will be in every few minutes to see how you are progressing. I believe in the next hour these pups will be in your arms.”

“Thank you, Oscar.” He glanced over at me and nodded before he turned away and left the room. Turning to Amora, she had leaned back into the bed, her eyes closed as she regulated her breathing. I lifted my hand and wiped some of the sweat that was on her forehead off; her eyes snapped open at my touch, and she smiled when our eyes met.

“You remember when you came to our pack? You were the most handsome wolf I’d ever seen, well, besides my dad.” Amora grinned at me; I could still remember her hiding behind her mother’s skirts as she peered around them to stare at me. Chuckling, I nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead while I caressed her cheek with my hand.

“You are one amazing person. I could never forget coming to your pack; my life changed so much when I lived there.” Another contraction hit her, making her bite her lower lip, and then it was gone. They came quicker than before because as soon as that one hit, another came right after it. A nurse came and pulled on some gloves; she lifted the sheet and checked her. The blonde she-wolf grinned at us as she took off the gloves.

“You’re getting closer, Luna. One of them is already dropped. I’m going to grab Dr. Oscar, and we will be back in to have you start pushing.” We both nodded as the woman left to go collect Oscar. I gave Amora a kiss on her lips and then on the back of the hand that I was holding. Oscar and two nurses came in; he had on the paper gown and more gloves. They placed her feet in the stirrups, and Oscar checked her himself.He better be glad he is the doctor; otherwise, his hand would be detached from his arm.I chuckled to myself at Sarge’s response to Oscar touching Amora, I mean, I didn’t like it either, but that was what needed to happen. Oscar glanced up to the both of us and nodded.

“Alright, Luna. It’s time to push.”

Tags: C.L. Ledford Paranormal