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My wolf training started the following morning. I woke up early because I hadn’t gotten much sleep that night. It was a mistake putting Amora in the bedroom next to mine, but how could I have known she was to be my mate? Not like I would change it if there was a way. Call me a glutton for punishment, I guess.

Sarge sighed in my head; his golden eyes now glowed in my mind. I finished getting ready and trying not to open the door that connected our rooms. Amora would still be asleep, and if I walked in there, she would think I was a creep.

You can never tell… she may welcome you, Sarge said to me while he lay down inside my head.

You are one bad wolf. You realize she is underage. And the pack laws say you can’t claim someone underage.

Whining, Sarge sunk lower down in my mind, his ears droopy. I know. But maybe she feels something. I know you felt the connection that night. She felt something when we changed.

I had sensed the connection, but I didn’t know if it was my side of the mate bond or hers and mine connecting. Her heart rate had increased when our eyes met, but other than that, she’d done nothing else to show me her side had connected to mine. So now I had to wait for her eighteenth birthday so she would realize I was hers.

On my way out of my room, her bed moved, making me stop and listen closer. She moved again, and I couldn’t help but walk to the door. I tried the knob, thinking she would have locked it on her side, but it was unlocked. My heart started to beat faster as I softly opened the door. Maybe she did feel the connection?

Her scent took over my senses, and I felt Sarge come to the front of my mind. I glanced over to her, sleeping soundly on the bed, but she murmured in her sleep. Against my better judgment, I stepped further into the room, toward her lying on the bed.

Kneeling down, I laid my head on the edge of the bed beside her. I realized I was being a creep, but I couldn’t help it. I needed to be as close as I could to her before she left. My eyes swept over her passive face as she lay there. Her soft breath lulled me to sleep. I would make sure no one came in this room to clean; I would need her scent until I could have her fully.


My head shot up when I noticed her eyes on me as she lay there. She didn’t seem surprised or creeped out that I had my head on her bed. “Sorry, I’ll leave.”

I decided to stand, my hand on her bed to help push myself up, making the bed dip under my weight, when she reached out, grasping hold of my arm. Her hand touched my bare skin and I had to stifle a moan from the way the sparks from her bare skin stroked mine. Her amber eyes seemed to beg me to stay, but I knew I would tell her everything if I did. “I need to go train. Just wanted to say goodbye since I figure you’ll be gone before I return.”

Standing over her, she kept the quilt up to her collar bone. The spaghetti straps of her shirt showed, her eyes pleading with mine. I couldn’t figure out what she was begging me for. “You’ll be at my shift, right?”

I peered back into her eyes and gave her a wink. Nothing could keep me from that day. “Of course. I’d have to be dead to miss it!”

Amora smiled back at me, and then a frown crossed her beautiful features. “Nolen, I’m sorry you didn’t find your mate. She must be in a different pack.”

“It will be okay. I told you, the Goddess probably didn’t make me one. So, I don’t think that I will go to the other packs.” I couldn’t believe I was lying to her, but I had to because of the law. What a stupid law. “Well, I have to go. My father will be waiting for me.”

How about we just skip training today and spend it with Amora? It is only the first day. What’s one day, right? Sarge commented, waging his long bushy tail. This wolf would be the death of me; she would always get her way with him.

We can’t, and you understand that. You are getting to be bad.

Not like you don’t want to stay with her, he quipped back at me. Sarge was right. I would have loved to stay with her until she left. But I needed to tell my mother and father about her so that they didn’t start planning on taking me to the other packs to find my “mate.”

I left her room and made my way down to the dining room. I felt lighter than I had ever had in my life. Her scent lingered on my clothes, making me feel good, until I ran into Axel. He glanced over at me; his eyebrows raised as his gaze took in my appearance. His nostrils flared, picking up Amora’s scent from my clothes. “What?”

Axel shrugged his shoulders as he continued walking beside me. He hung back a little at my left side, protecting my flank. “Nothing. You ready for training your wolf?”

“Yeah, I’m ready to stretch out and find out what he can do.” This was my dream come true, to be able to feel the strength that Sarge possessed. To run free through the forest on four paws.

“Well, if he is anything like your brother’s wolf, it’s going to take a few older wolves to train with him.” Sarge wagged his tail excitedly at Axel’s comment. I shook my head as we both entered the dining room. It was empty save for a few other older wolves and my father. I sat down beside him, and an omega brought me a plate of food. I thanked her, and she blushed. These females were going to be the death of me. Shaking my head, I dug into the pile of food while surveying the room. My dad and his Beta talked beside me about going to the other packs to find out if my mate lived among them.

I would have to tell them today about Amora. Otherwise, they would have me running around to all the packs. I didn’t want to have those poor un-mated females hoping they would be my mate. “Father, do you think I could talk with you and mother after training? It’s about last night.”

Turning to me, my father glanced over with a smile. He had never smiled as much around me before, and I tried not to let it get to me. “Of course, Nolen.”

Nodding, I finished my food and stood up, walking away from the table. I went through the dining room doors and out of the packhouse. The wind blew past, bringing Amora’s scent to me, and I glanced up to her at her balcony doors. Her eyes locked with mine. Every bit of me wanted to climb the side of the packhouse, take her in my arms, and tell her everything. Stupid law, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just tell her. I didn’t have to mate her or mark her till her eighteenth. Why couldn’t she just know?

Are you sure you don’t want to stay the morning with her? Sarge was lying down in my head, sweeping his tail from side to side.

You can tell I do! But if we are going to protect her when we can claim her, we need to be strong. You are not looking at the bigger picture here. Sighing, I glanced up again, her silhouette still there.

Then let’s show her how strong we already are!

Smiling, I shook my head but let him take over. We sprinted the rest of the way off the landing and jumped, where we shifted in mid-air and landed at the bottom of the stairs on four paws—the shredded clothes falling like confetti around us. Sarge gazed back at her balcony, and she was there, leaning over the railing in her tank top and shorts. Her face was plastered with concern until she found us. Axel stood at the top of the stairs, shaking his head with a grin.

Tags: C.L. Ledford Paranormal