Page 2 of Paws Off

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"I'm Stone," I tell the pretty blonde before me, extending my hand to her. I realize it's a doofus move, shaking her hand, but I'll take any excuse to touch her.

She smiles, the apples of her cheeks dimpling prettily, and I swear I'm a goner.

"I'm Mia," that husky little voice says.

Now that I'm standing at my full height, I tower over her. She's a tiny thing, yet her legs seem to go on forever. How can such a short girl have the longest legs in the world?

She takes my hand with a giggle. The moment our palms touch, liquid fire roars through my veins.

"It looks like you've already met Trixie." She waves toward her dog.

"Yeah, she's cute," I reply, though I'm looking at her and not the dog. "What kind of dog of dog is she?" I know I've seen her type before, but I can't place the breed.

"A Pomeranian," Mia answers before she motions for her dog. "Come here, Trixie."

She holds her arms out, and I transfer the dog to her like I'm transferring a baby to its mother. Our arms brush. It's just the barest brush of her skin against mine, but it's enough to have me hard up in a way I've never been before. Right then, I know. It might seem crazy. It might seem fast. But when you know, you know. It's her. This girl.Mia. She's who I've been waiting for. My other half. The one I'm going to spend my life with. The woman I'm going to make mine and have a family with.

Something clicks inside me as I look at her, excitement coursing through my veins.

Mia continues to smile at me, and I grin back at her like an idiot.

I need to invite her in for coffee. Hell, I don't even have my coffee pot set up, but I'll take her out somewhere. We can do anything she wants. I want to be near her and learn more about her. Just as I'm getting ready to invite her in for a coffee, her phone rings.

"Oh, just a sec.." Mia holds up a finger as she pulls her cell phone from her back pocket. "Hello?"

Holding the phone to her ear with one hand, she cradles her fluffy dog in the other arm.She mouthsI'm sorryat me and then stays silent as she listens to the person on the other end of the line. Huffing out a breath, she rolls her eyes and smiles.

Who is she talking to on the phone? I'm starting to worry that maybe it's a husband or boyfriend.

Mia puts my fears at ease by moving the phone away from her mouth and whispering, "It's my brother. I'm so sorry, but I have to take this. He's overbearing and overprotective. He thinks he's my dad and not my brother." She releases a frustrated sigh before she continues. "Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood! I'm your next-door neighbor! Well, I'm sure you've figured that out." Her face flushes as she chatters on."It's nice here. I think you'll like it! We can catch up later."

Before I can tell her how much I’d like that, she's flitting away, her dog under one arm and that phone to her ear. "Yes, I'm listening. I swear!"

I don't know who this overbearing and overprotective brother is, but he's going to have to move over because I've just found my woman, and no brother is going to keep me away from her. He can step down because a new man is in town, and I'll be looking out for Mia.

Tags: Emma Bray Romance